Imagine a World Without Science
(too old to reply)
2017-12-14 21:27:03 UTC
Imagine a World Without Science
Asslifters have been living in such a world for centuries.

It's interesting that Islamic progress in math and science stopped dead in
its tracks when Ulug Beq of Samarkand, the "Galileo of Islam," dared to
state that the Koranic version of the universe was all wrong. The mullahs
had him murdered and it's been downhill for the Muslim world ever since. The
Europeans played catch-up and left Islam behind in the dust.

There are myriad factors in the Islamic decline, but the decline itself has
been irreversible. Muslims never turn it around. They've never had their
reformation that breaks down the one true path. You're either Sunni or Shia
or perhaps a Sufi offshoot cult. And the reason Indonesia has a chance is
that it's never signed up for one path.

In the West science and religion went their separate paths during the
Reformation and the rest is history. All other fundamentalist civilizations
were left in the dust. Just think, even after all these centuries, the
Islamic world has yet to experience a Renaissance, a Reformation, or an Age
of Enlightenment. Were it not for real you'd think it was a figment of some
hack screenwriter's imagination.

It's up the folks in Ayatollaland to decide whether they want to leave the
Middle Ages. For all of the oil revenue that has flowed into the wealthier
Arab countries, consider the overall state of the Arab world:

* It does not produce a single manufactured product of sufficient quality to
sell on world markets.

* Arab productivity is the lowest in the world.

* It contains not a single world-class university.

* The once-great tradition of Arab science has degenerated into a few
research programs in the fields of chemical and biological warfare.

* No Arab state is a true democracy.

* No Arab state genuinely respects human rights.

* No Arab state hosts a responsible media.

* No Arab society fully respects the rights of women or minorities.

* No Arab government has ever accepted public responsibility for its own
2017-12-14 22:07:24 UTC
Post by Byker
Imagine a World Without Science
Asslifters have been living in such a world for centuries.
And Republicans have been there for the last 20 years: Don't get cocky.
johnny utah
2017-12-14 22:39:42 UTC
Post by M.I.Wakefield
Post by Byker
Imagine a World Without Science
Asslifters have been living in such a world for centuries.
And Republicans have
It's bad enough you are hopelessly ADDICTED to US politics, but your
propensity to outright LIE about them is sinful!

Grow a life, at least pretend to act like a patriotic Canucklehead (if
there is such a thing).

You ignore your own simple dull nation, absorb your mind into ours.

Literally you dismiss your own walk-in beer cooler of a country as
insignificant to the point you refuse to even engage in commentary or
analysis of your own politics.

You evince the classic Canuck "widdle brudda" mentality, always chasing
after the USA in a desperate attempt to coattail on OUR national affairs.

You demonstrate how bereft Canucks are of any national pride and how
desperately you need to use the USA as a whipping post to excuse
yourselves from your own national blunders and dearth of presence on the
global stage.

It must SUCK to be a Canuck, for sure!
2017-12-15 07:41:51 UTC
Post by Byker
Asslifters have been living in such a world for centuries.
Plastic surgeons?
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2017-12-15 16:29:31 UTC
Post by Vidcapper
Plastic surgeons?
Cosmetic surgery for the sake of aesthetics is a no-no in Dunecoonistan.
That's why they come here:

"Islam denounces excess in beautifying oneself to the extent of altering one’s
physical features as Allah created them. The Qur’an considers such
alterations as inspired by Satan, who “ …will command them (his devotees) to
change what Allah has created…” (An-Nisa’ 4:119)"

"Cosmetic surgery is not permissible when the purpose of this procedure is
to take a normal body structure and improve it to make it look better and
improve the person’s self-esteem." https://tinyurl.com/ycq4xpr9

"The rule in Islam is that individuals should be satisfied with the way
Allah has created them." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17968614



It might be justifiable after an acid attack: https://tinyurl.com/yad3wvxe
2017-12-15 19:06:33 UTC
Post by Vidcapper
Post by Byker
Asslifters have been living in such a world for centuries.
Plastic surgeons?
Drum roll

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2017-12-15 18:59:47 UTC
Why did you crosspost this to other newsgroups. My original post was to
Global Warming newsgroup.
Inquiring minds might want to know...