(c) 2017 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 25 June, 2017
Nous: #21
Time: 06:15 hrs
Date: 2017.6.25
Torah: #30 #6 #6 %81 = #42
Dao: Guiding the Physical, Emptying the Heart
Tetra: #42 - Going to Meet
I-Ching: H31 - Reciprocity, Conjoining, Influence (wooing), Feelings
Latin: Dator {God who forgives sinners} Alt: Aniael {Remove the Woe of God}
4. Sotis
Terah {Station, delay, a station of Israel in the wilderness, To breathe;
scent; blow}
***@zen: 4, row: 3, col: 5, nous: 21 [Super: #461 / #7 - Intentional
Reversal, Dimming Radiance; I-Ching: H12 - Obstruction, Stagnation, Selfish
persons; Tetra: 56 - Closed Mouth, Ego: #321 / #21 - Guiding the Physical,
Emptying the Heart; I-Ching: H31 - Reciprocity, Conjoining, Influence
(wooing), Feelings; Tetra: 42 - Going to Meet]
Now DUKE will have to admit I'm right.
- http://babylonbee.com/news/apostle-pauls-king-james-bible-auction/
ONLY IN AMERICA (LA LA LAND): A new eBay listing confirmed Tuesday that the
Apostle Paul’s leather-bound edition of the King James Bible—the only
translation he was known to use—is at long last up for auction.
The $10 million reserve was quickly exceeded as excited Christians from
around the world began frantically driving up the price in hopes of owning
a little piece of church history.
'Here’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to read the very same archaic
English that the Apostle Paul did in his daily personal studies,' the
auction listing reads.
'You can own the majestic text of the 1611 Authorized Version used by the
church fathers to found the Christian church. Free economy shipping, no
The owner of the historic heirloom also stated that the Bible is in used
but good condition, with all of Scofield’s study notes still clearly
visible at the bottom of the page."
The King James Bible was first published in 1611.
A revision, from which the Apocrypha was omitted, appeared in 1666.
In 1769, a new edition with minor changes was published by Oxford
University Press and modern editions of the King James Bible are based upon
DOLF @ 2142 HOURS ON 24 JUNE 2017: “And with the Dutch discovery of New
Holland in 1616 the claim to the number of days within 400 years % 22 is
ours and not the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.”
Colonel Burke?
You have some experience with P[ost] T[raumatic] S[yndrome] D[isorder], no
doubt, having served faithfully in Nam and other places in Southeast Asia.
What is your opinion of D.O.L.F?”
YOUTUBE: "Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Tears For Fears)"
-- Drown The Witch (God Almighty Blasphemous Christ Deniers, Murderous
(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 22 June, 2016
dolf: "Hail God of Hymen!
#15CE ... #34CE ... #65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic'
What do you say to the claim that Jubilee 2000 celebrations was the worship
of Satanism?
It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the Theory of
Number constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as the
Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans
1) Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² is a genuine Sabbath based
2) Pythagorean Theorem: c² = a² + b² is fascist (see image below)"
Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "By definition, 'Holy Tradition' is the words
and actions of Jesus before they were scripted.
Hee Hee Hee.
Don't mess with something you don't understand."
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus DoW #1 (***@kooks): "Time to
spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. [snicker]
Paul G. Derbyshire (THE FUEHRER) the dress-wearing goat-raper, socked up as
BRUNHILDA, in MID: <nka7gl$lnq$***@dont-email.me> did thusly jump head first
into the wood chipper again:
Paul, you stupid ***@ck, you've been outed yet again.
Subject: Dolf is frogging me
IP Address:
Location: Deep River, Ontario, Canada
The MD5 hash of is: 012e03f33b086ea5f85f61609ba7b360.
SPNAK! on Paul G. Derbyshire the goat-raping shroomtard, who got outed
Didn't you k'lame you were in Europe, Paul? LOL!
BRUNHILDA got outed as that lumpy dumpy frumpy slumpy shroomtard Paul G.
Derbyshire of Pembroke, Ontario, Canada by Ray Banana. When KENSI D.
LUNKHEAD [the women's panties wearer] learned of this, *HE* immediately
started backpedaling and k'laming that 'BRUNHILDA' was actually just
'vacationing' in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. LOL!"
dolf: "How do you decode a MD5?
Is there any online, Apple Macintosh or iPhone tool available?
It would seem to be such a complex task so how is that you possess such a
Thank you for your advice."
KENSI (ATHEIST ***@kooks): "Oh, look which kOoks are slurping
each other now and plotting to break servers' user-privacy features. Yep,
it's May's KotM asking April's KotM for help cyberstalking people."
BRUNHILDA: "More significantly, it's June's Pickett's Charge nominee asking
for help cyberstalking people. He's *winning*, for ***@ck's sake!
KENSI (ATHEIST ***@kooks): "If the server admins are smart,
they'll be using salted hashes, which will defeat0r your ko0ky scheme, and
the Faketard will turn out to just be bluffing."
Either he's bluffing or he's simply screwing up. As usual. I am not in Deep
River, Ontario.
Checkmate, DoW #1 (***@The.Edge): "Salted hash... I haven't had
that in ages!"
Wot's an MDS, little feller?
Is it something like--> Wot is myelodysplastic syndrome (ie. hematological
[blood-related] medical conditions with ineffective production [or
dysplasia] of all blood cells)?
dolf: "If you notice from the example above as conveyed by the FNVW that
the posting-host is encoding with a MD5 hash.
Decoding this (as is the example) produces the IP address, hence the
The MD5 hash of is 012e03f33b086ea5f85f61609ba7b360.
The IP geo-location is given to being within a 49 km radius of Petawawa,
Deep River or Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
That requires a certain degree as sophistication of computing power and
capability which, from my cursory research, appears to be outside the realm
of a software tool that is normally and reasonably available to any person.
So hence my enquiry."
BRUNHILDA: "I'm now looking forward to seeing his epic meltdown in response
to the above. Forecast models are predicting anywhere from a two to a
*five* on the Fukushima Scale.
KENSI (ATHEIST ***@kooks): "He's now asking Fakey (ie. the FNVW)
for advice on how to outerfilth people, and flooding AUK with dozens of new
screed-threads, so I'd say it's at *least* a five. And I did this to him.
BRUNHILDA: "See why she's our WMD (ie. Weapon of Mass Destruction)?
Another broken and battered kook has been added to the lengthy trail
KENSI's stomped into the landscape around AUK.
It's was a guerrilla warfare tactic - just an arse-***@ck and we got a thrill
from it's last jostle before he died!
SEMPER FI (ie. semper fidelis: 'Always Faithful' or 'Always Loyal' [the
motto of the US Marine Corps]"
Checkmate, DoW #1 (***@The.Edge): "It's a (ko0k) warfare tactic:
De[a]r Lord...
FITNESS4U2002: "PERSENT was shot in the buttocks when he got caught in the
crossfire of a gang war.
He will be fine, but because he is a material witness, he was put into
protective custody.
He's currently living under an assumed name somewhere in Atlanta, Georgia."
SIR GREGORY [DRUG LORD] HALL ESQ.: "Overly complicated and speculative,
The simple explanation is usually the correct one. In this instance his
assworms finally ate their way into his brain and turned him into a
vegetable. (Not that he had far to go anyhow!)"
KERNEL DON JUAN: "I just wished all of youse guys liked me as much as you
[obviously cuz you keep talkin' about 'im] like him, even though he's the
stupidest son of a ***@cking bitch ever.
Checkmate, DoW #1 (***@The.Edge): "If you die, some of us will
miss you for a while."
Mr. Smartypants DoW #4, Supreme Fuckhead (bunghole-***@kooks): "YAY! The
Kernel wins again!!
DOLF: "CARPE DIEM: Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the
KERNEL DON JUAN: "Your Colonel [rises] from the bench to loudly exclaim:
"Dolf Leendert Boek!
Approach the bench!"
Wot did Bork do? Did he slither, slink away?
Or did he man up and face His Colonel?
DOLF: "And the Lord said, 'Hear what the unjust judge [and blind-sighted
Cate MacKenzie] saith.
And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him,
though he bear long with them?
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily."
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?'
And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that
they were righteous, and despised others." [Luke 18:6-9]
"And Abraham {father of a great multitude} drew near, and said, 'Wilt thou
destroy the righteous with the wicked?'" [Genesis 18:23 (KJV)]
"Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS: (ie.
the beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS [Revelation 1:8) and, what thou
seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in
Asia; unto Ephesus {desirable}, and unto Smyrna {myrrh: bitter}, and unto
Pergamos {height; elevation}, and unto Thyatira {a perfume; sacrifice of
labor}, and unto Sardis {prince of joy}, and unto Philadelphia {love of a
brother}, and unto Laodicea {just people; Laodikeia-Laodicea [G2993]:
#351}." [Revelation 1:11]
I have as an Intellectual Property, a mathematical paradigm as an
alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical and metaphysical
noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined contrivance
associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis),
rationality and the reasoned mind:
Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}
Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by the
M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2
It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old, but
rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a noumenal
focal point as a development by which rationality transpires, reason
springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:
HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product* *of*
*two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]
As the relativity and grounding of the Infinite to the temporal reality
(ie. the phenomenology as the deterministic unfolding of history) which is
implied by the notion of rational PI and the cosmogonical Genesis reprise
of the lunar / solar cycle occurring on the equinox of Wednesday 20th March
1996 / New Moon on Thursday 21st March 1996.
DOLF “In making a decision to move to the country in proximity to where I
was born, some 230 kms from Melbourne a city of 3.4+ million people. I was
well aware when purchasing a small cottage in Briagolong, that the locality
only consisted of a very small population of 580, and therefore specific
employment prospects are somewhat difficult. Whilst country life is very
appealing and free for me at the present time, I didn't imagine that it
would be so for everyone--I was fully expectant of a transition period as I
made new friends, but this should have been easy as I already have family
established here.
***@zen: 5, row: 1, col: 2, nous: 53 [Date: 2017.6.25, Time: 1351
hrs, Super: #498 / #65 - Unlearned Virtuosity as Simplicity; I-Ching: H20 -
Viewing, Contemplation (view), Looking up; Tetra: 63 - Watch, Ego: #403 /
#53 - Increasing Evidence, Gaining Insight; I-Ching: H13 - Fellowship,
Companionship, Concording People, Fellowship with men, Gathering men;
Tetra: 53 - Eternity]
On 30th April 2005, after signing, a 'Contract Note' on the purchase of
this property in the Gippsland region of country Victoria, I went to the
local pub in order to determine how amenable, civil and decent the
residents of the town were-OR SHOULD I SAY WEREN'T.
There was verbal abuse, coercion and menacing to which I was subject that
evening, relating to my sovereign and autonomous right to gender and
sexuality identity as a religious/political value which is inclusive of
'self'. At one point the bloke who was engaged in most of the invective,
who identified himself as a local identity known as 'Macca' MacKenzie of 27
Forbes Street, Briagolong was then himself the centre of attention as
several of the lads of about 20 years of age directed a litany of 'You're
the dog!' and 'You're the man!' to the individual.
What I found particularly offensive was the inability of the male
population there to adequately distinguish between homosexuality as a
lawful and consensual sexual activity and those who engage in unlawful
sexual activity such as paedophiles.
That the subject of my being a gay man was being publicly referenced as a
question and I was being disapprovingly subject to social exclusion,
excoriation and disadvantage as a result of an innate attribution of
humanity. This is despite our own law reform within circa 1982. Before
then it was also considered illegal. That it was an issue, over which I
had to contend with in the public sphere, is no guarantee I wont be
subsequently free of any further impunity to my own autonomous right.
On 9 July 2005 whilst still domiciled in Melbourne, I read an online
edition of the Australian Newspaper, that a person was fatally injured
crossing the road, after leaving a local country Hotel (a pub situated) at
about 1820 hours on that Saturday night. Although it wasn't expressed
within the news article, I considered at the time that perhaps it was the
same Hotel I went to, in order to meet the locals to gauge their
congeniality toward gay individuals as a consideration in purchasing my
The publican raised by his lament as concerns regarding the licensing laws
being such, that in the event of an exigency as the death of a patron, it
would, due to administrative circumstances, be very difficult for them to
obtain an exemption from the restrictions which are rigidly enforced,
within sufficient time for any funeral.
He had given a disapproving glance of my 30 April 2005 purchase for Mr.
MacKenzie, of a departing beer as sop (ie. a thing of no great value given
or done as a concession to appease someone whose main concerns or demands
are not being met).
PROBLEM SOLVED. [Notes: 10:54 AM Sunday, 10 July 2005]
SIR GREGORY [DRUG LORD] HALL ESQ.: "Convenience Killing?
Some people are hopelessly dishonest. These people cannot even be honest
enough to say they are going to KILL their pet. Instead, they use the
phrase, *put down*.
Comparing killing a pet whose very life depends upon the good will and
responsibility of their human guardian with *putting down* a TV remote or a
rebellion goes a long way towards affirming the total bankruptcy of trust
in human fidelity."
Skeeter DoW #8 (***@kooks): "Why are you such an idiot?
Watching an animal suffer is more 'convenient'?"
SIR GREGORY [DRUG LORD] HALL ESQ.: "They shoot horses, don't they?
Whence the term 'charley horse' [which is a popular colloquial term in
Canada and the United States for painful spasms or cramps in the leg
muscles caused by a punch or knee to the thigh, typically lasting anywhere
from a few seconds to about a day and sometimes several weeks of pain and
***@zen: 5, row: 7, col: 6, nous: 4 [Date: 2017.6.25, Time: 1354 hrs,
Super: #236 / #6 - Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 -
No Errancy, Without Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 -
Departure, Ego: #413 / #4 - Using Guidance, Sourceless; I-Ching: H27 -
Nourishment, Swallowing, Jaws, Comfort/Security; Tetra: 81 - Fostering]
By letter dated 12 December 2007 made to Wellington Shire Council, then of
70 Foster Street, Sale Victoria, I objected to the erection of an informal
and unauthorised stone memorial to Mr. MacKenzie is an affront and a
disloyalty to duty to State that ought to be removed:
"I note with dismay that there is a plaque accessible within the public
sphere acknowledging the death of Mr. MacKenzie. I have in the past
complained about the pejorative characterizations made by Mr. MacKenzie and
my wishing death upon him--which came speedily."
Peter Bowditch (Australian Sceptics): "I note with dismay that you didn't
follow through on your threat to top yourself, Dolt."
dolf: "Mr. MacKenzie's misconduct as fascist Roman Catholic is a delusional
religious belief as erroneous claim to Judaeo-Christian and Australian
identity—a valid question can be raised on the legitimacy of Roman
Catholicism as Christian Identity as 25% of the Australian population and
its continuing disrespect of duty to State as incompatibility to democratic
regulative free-will.
And the continuing conduct of Briagolong as religious, racial and sexual
vilification is a direct consequence of my ANZAC Day arrest.
That Senior Constable Peter Andrews arrest was unlawful, and the Returned
Services League (RSL) and the Victoria Police are unable to differentiate
their cultural organisational values from fascism--the use of force to
enforce a religious observance such as 'ANZAC Day' is therefore unlawful as
a breach of Section 116 of the Australian Constitution.
This uncivilised] and indecent conduct is entirely an antagonistic
delinquency to the 'right of humanity in his own person' as the reasonable
desire, moral responsibility and duty accorded to democratic regulative
free-will and pre-requisite to any presence, participation and procreation
as marriage right and duties within the Commonwealth of Australia."
FITNESS4U2002: "Dolf molests stray cats."
SIR GREGORY [DRUG LORD] HALL ESQ.: "It's worse than that. It is rumoured
that dolf takes pictures of his nekkid prepubescent sister and posts them
to binaries froups."
Pandora: "You must have really upset him for him to get his panties in such
a bunch."
DOLF: "I have protested on ANZAC day 25 April 2006 (the equivalent to your
Memorial Day) against a soldier who engaged in such undignified behaviour.
NADAGDA (***@kooks): "Actually, it was KENSI (ATHEIST
***@kooks). I think he called her a depraved bitch, or words to
that effect, so she pulled up some mathematics and physics references and
proceeded to set fire to dolf's entire worldview."
Checkmate, DoW #1 (***@The.Edge): "He did WHAT???
Oh no he di[d]n't!
There's gonna be hell to pay now!"
David Clayton (dc33box): "And I thought that this was referring to the
Jihad against Eddie McGuire that is currently being waged!
What a disappointment."
SG1 (***@the.races.com): "David, Dolf is delusional and it is a shame that
he has chosen to pol[l]ute this [newsgroup].
Just put him in the kill file with all the other kooks."
DOLF: "SG1 (***@the.races.com) I've told before, that your sphincter is so
loose like your mouth, that you are in a constant state of incontinence.
And you have really messed up yourself this time."
David Clayton (dc33box): "[But] knowledge is [after all] a measure of how
many answers you have, intelligence is a measure of how many questions you
DOLF: "That is precisely why I wrote it.
It ought to help Eddie McGurie's cause entirely due to the factual reality
of a consequential polarity shift of accountability as an historical
paradox associated to the common use of the connotation. Because the
accusation of "Drown the Witch" was similarly an improper false claim made
by errant, perverse and depraved ecclesiastical authorities, against the
piety of others:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_executed_for_witchcraft
Thus the polarity of impunity is reversed to what it appears at first to be
and he cannot therefore be disparaging, no matter how flippant and
ignorantly it was stated.
The claim is: she is a virtuous woman and a saint, worthy of a martyr's
Such that there is no virtue in the present hysteria.
I'm no student of history, but given it indirectly defines and encapsulates
our place within the world as Australians. Let me then labour you a little
with an explanation obtained from the Wikipedia Internet resource:
1) Hypatia (born c. 350–70; died 415) often called Hypatia of Alexandria,
was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in Egypt, then a
part of the Byzantine Empire. She was the head of the Neoplatonic school at
Alexandria, where she taught philosophy and astronomy.
In 1843, German authors Soldan and Heppe argued in their highly influential
History of the Witchcraft Trials that Hypatia may have been, in effect, the
first famous "witch" punished under Christian authority.
According to contemporary sources, Hypatia was murdered by a Christian mob
or by Christian zealots known as Parabalani after being accused of
exacerbating a conflict between two prominent figures in Alexandria, the
governor, Orestes, and the bishop, Cyril of Alexandria.
2) Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a deliverer} of
Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;
sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the Sovereignty of Roman
Empire Governance:
a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);
b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";
Jesus Christ's wilderness temptation was a refusal of this Satanic
prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of
Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15 ... #369 as
faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for a regard to the Creator God as the
Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans 1:16-32]"
3) In 46 BCE, the Roman Senate voted to build and dedicate a shrine to
Libertas in recognition of Julius Caesar (13 July 100 BCE-15 March 44 BCE)
who introduced the Julian Calendar reforms on 1 January 45 BCE, but no
temple was built; instead, a small statue of the goddess stood in the Roman
Libertas, along with other Roman goddesses, has served as the inspiration
for many modern-day symbols, including the Statue of Liberty on Liberty
Island in the United States of America. According to the National Park
Service, the Statue's Roman robe is the main feature that invokes Libertas
and the symbol of Liberty from which the Statue derives its name.
In addition, money throughout history has born the name or image of
Libertas. Libertas was pictured on Galba's "Freedom of the People" coins
during his short reign after the death of Emperor Nero [#666].
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred
threescore and six." [Revelation 13:18 (KJV)]
4) In that by 1582 CE, the Julian Calendar had already lost 11 days and so
no longer had a HEALTHY (ie. in a good physical or mental condition; in
good health; (of a part of the body) not diseased; normal, natural, and
desirable; indicating or promoting good health) CONGRUITY AND WHOLESOME
(ie. conducive to or characterized by moral well-being) RELEVANCE with any
regime of Roman Empire governance associated to attributed time.
5) The Gregorian calendar, also called the Western calendar and the
Christian calendar, is internationally the most widely used civil calendar.
It is named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in October 1582.
6) Most Western European countries changed the start of the year to 1
January before they adopted the Gregorian calendar. For example, Scotland
changed the start of the Scottish New Year to 1 January in 1600 (this means
that 1599 was a short year).
7) Whereas the British Empire only adopted these reforms by Act of
Parliament in 1751 and thereby made an effectual "Jesus in the Wilderness"
denial of Satan's regime [#15CE ... #34CE ... #64CE ... #2000CE] of Roman
Empire Governance.
England, Ireland and the British colonies changed the start of the year to
1 January in 1752 (so 1751 was a short year with only 282 days) though in
England the start of the tax year remained at 25 March (O.S.), 5 April
(N.S.) till 1800, when it moved to 6 April. Later in 1752 in September the
Gregorian calendar was introduced throughout Britain and the British
colonies. These two reforms were implemented by the Calendar (New Style)
Act 1750.
8) In 1664, England took over the Dutch colony of New Netherland (including
the New Amsterdam settlement) which England renamed the Province of New
York. With New Netherland, the English also came to control the former New
Sweden (in what is now Delaware), which the Dutch had conquered earlier.
This later became part of Pennsylvania after that was established in 1680.
Thirteen of Great Britain's colonies rebelled in the American Revolutionary
War, beginning in 1775, primarily over representation, local laws and tax
issues, and established the United States of America, which was recognised
internationally with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 3 September
9) Captain Cook's first voyage (1768–71) reached the south-eastern coast of
Australia on 19 April 1770, and in doing so his expedition became the first
recorded Europeans to have encountered its eastern coastline.
What was it that Captain Cook came to call his 'trusty friend' and
'never-failing guide', which accompanied him on his second and third
The Longitude Act of 1714 offered life changing rewards for anyone who
could achieve measurement of east-west position at sea.
The answer is the first marine timekeeper known as 'K1', which was a copy
of a sea-watch built by groundbreaking horologist John Harrison whose
timepieces from the mid 1700s allowed accurate time keeping at sea enabling
the measurement of longitude.
Cook's second voyage (1772–75) marked a successful employment of Larcum
Kendall's K1 copy of John Harrison's H4 marine chronometer, which enabled
Cook to calculate his longitudinal position with much greater accuracy.
Cook's log was full of praise for this time-piece which he used to make
charts of the southern Pacific Ocean that were so remarkably accurate that
copies of them were still in use in the mid-20th century.
"The timepiece that helped Captain Cook get a quick fix and put Australia
on the map." [The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 May 2016, Tim Barlass, Senior
10) The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World) is a colossal
neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York
City, in the United States. The copper statue, designed by Frédéric Auguste
Bartholdi, a French sculptor, was built by Gustave Eiffel and dedicated on
28 October, 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of
The statue is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman
goddess, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law)
upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of
Independence: 4 July, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue is
an icon of freedom and of the United States, and was a welcoming sight to
immigrants arriving from abroad.
I gave an explanation to this, in my discussion of poetry related to the
bombing in Russell Street, Melbourne of 1300 hours 27 March, 1986.
In that, the poetry isn't openly aggressive or threatening, but it was
associated to my limited understanding of Kantian metaphysics and obscure
concepts like the noumenon (if such a thing exists at all) as an object
which is outside the use of ordinary sense perception and to which events
are said to occur; and Kant's view in Critique of Pure Reason, that human
understanding is structured by 'concepts of the understanding' or pure
categories of understanding that the mind uses in order to make sense of
raw unstructured experience.
But it has the temporal capability to preload the neurological receptors
within one's mind, which then makes it very susceptible to, or by further
stimuli which might subsequently occur to such acts of fate--including
reported news events, video, computer games, TV and music et al. Having
then, the real capability of generating 'an irrational fear and anxiety'.
And thus we return to the discussion of this substance of 'an irrational
fear and anxiety', being then the impetus for the formulation of myths as
the entirely delusional basis for religious belief, ritual, conduct, and
the course of life.
I particularly like this confessional example of religious belief derived
from a delusional basis. In that the Julian Calendar had by 1582 CE
already lost 11 days and so no longer had a HEALTHY (ie. in a good physical
or mental condition; in good health; (of a part of the body) not diseased;
normal, natural, and desirable; indicating or promoting good health)
CONGRUITY AND WHOLESOME (ie. conducive to or characterized by moral
well-being) RELEVANCE with any regime of governance associated to
attributed time.
The public uproar occurred at the time of Pope Leo X, when he was allegedly
recovering from syphilis and in the company of other ecclesiastic notables,
raised the chalice of the celebratory Eucharist wine into the air and
‘How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has
been for us and our predecessors'
This caused a rabble-some outrage, with many urinating against the walls of
the Vatican in disgust.
Cardinal Baronius confessed: 'The Pontiff has been accused of atheism, for
he denied God, and called Christ, in front of Cardinals Pietro Bembo,
Jovius and Iacopo Sadoleto, and other intimates, 'a fable' ... it must be
corrected' (Annales Ecclesiastici, Folio viii and xi, Antwerp, 1597,
Cardinal Baronius). (Note: Pope Leo X's pronouncement is documented in the
records of Cardinal Pietro Bembo (His Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X,
Reprint 1842) and Cardinal Jovius (De Vita Leonis X, originally published
in 1551), two associates who were witnesses to the Pope's celebratory
confession)." [Source: www.vatileaks.com]
- http://www.vatileaks.com/vati-leaks/a-pope-stuns-his-cardinals
Wot would you think about that?"
DOLF: "Get on your trike clown--and piss off!"
Blue Peeler (***@barque.org): "Try yelling "EXCREMENTUM EX ANUM" instead,
KERNEL DON JUAN: "If I yelled that, you old cunt, yer mouth would be on my
asshole's threshold! LOL"
DOLF: "And in this regard, is ample consideration that sufficient grounds
exist to overturn the reasoning given within Paragraph 41 of VCAT 29 March
2001 Reasons for Decisions of Strikeout, namely the view that "...the
complaint insofar as it alleges discrimination based on political or
religious belief or activity [is] manifestly hopeless and should be
dismissed. The religious belief on which Mr Boek relies, and as his
religious activities, are that he is a Seventh Day Adventist and he has a
belief, and has supported that by substantial writing in the area, in God's
manifestation in nature and in human languages and numerical systems as a
unified system. The political belief or activity on which he relies is his
support for gay rights; his participation in gay and lesbian networks
associated with the Victorian Police Force for some two years, ending in
1998, and his preparation of a document concerning discrimination against
gay people." [Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal,
Anti-Discrimination List Ref A500/2000]
WORDS" OF 20-21 MAY 2016
This is associated to my anti-terrorism Internet activity of now some 20
years duration which is substantiated by my possessing an Intellectual
Property as a mathematical paradigm as an alternative HOMOIOS Theory of
Number being a theoretical and metaphysical noumenon, conception of the
Godhead/Divine and a determined contrivance associated with attributed time
(COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis), rationality and the reasoned mind
(described below).
On 19 May 2016, I released this into the public sphere a prototype of this
Grapple Project as a metaphysical conceptual 'noumenon'. I expressed the
view that it is a preliminary resource, which still requires substantial
research and testing into it's:
i) AUTHENTICITY (ie. concerns the truthfulness of origins, attributes,
commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions),
ii) CONGRUITY: (ie. is the state achieved by coming together, the state of
iii) INTEGRITY: (ie. the quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles; the state of being whole and undivided; the condition of being
unified or sound in construction) and
iv) WHOLESOMENESS: (ie. conducive to or suggestive of good health and
physical well-being; conducive to or promoting moral well-being)
Made in relation to its usefulness as a functional utility effectual in
providing a regime of governance and religious belief associated to
attributed time.
Despite the clear theological/philosophical context of those two telephone
statements, I was categorically prohibited and frustrated by the Tribunal,
which prevented me from conveying any such religious explanation as thought
content within my discourse as any defense made to the Tribunal.
The great thing about this Intellectual Property as a legal argument: (Dieu
et mon droit) is that this technology for "Judging, Weighing and Integrity
of Words" is not only embedded within the Bible as Scriptures and given
assent to through an oath, swearing by Almighty God, but is compatible with
the regime of numbered and natural jurisprudence (ie. the Categories of
Understanding as #729 appraisals within the Grapple Homoiotic Noumenon as a
theoretical and metaphysical conception of the Godhead/Divine Nature as
Mind, in being a reasonable consideration, then ought to equate with the
numbered paragraphs) as being a mandatory prerequisite for the presenting
of any legal case before a court of law.
MR RIDDELL: - - - submission that Mr Boek has conducted himself in such a
way that he shows he has no intention of according to the rules of the
court. He has indicated quite clearly that his court case will now be a
matter of fascism against myself and AXA and in those circumstances a false
claim is frivolous and vexatious and should be struck out forthwith.
THE D.PRESIDENT: Boek. Mr Boek? Very well, all right. Now, I will hear
from Mr
MR BOEK: Yes, ma'am, I have - you would have noticed that there were no
actual words of threat. They were words that were based on fact in that
particular phone call. Here I have a particular mathematical model which is
mentioned in that particular phone call. It is based upon a work by Johann
Kepler, a German astronomer born in 1571 to 1630. He came up with three
rules of which I have come up with a fourth:
[Associated to the ephemeral and mundane as a transcendent fecundate
connection to the Vernal and the Autumn Equinox in the 6th year of the 22nd
Course of Gamul {a recompense}:
7 x 24 x 13 x 49 = 6J or 294 x 364 days or 365.2423 x 293 years - Vernal
Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 / New Moon Thursday 21 March 1996].
His three rules in terms of astronomical cycles were: (1) that the
planet... And then I will get to my bit of relevance to the 6000 years.
THE D.PRESIDENT: Yes, yes, yes.
MR BOEK: (1) That the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun
which is situated at one of the focus of the ellipses; (2) that the radius
vectors joining each planet to the sun describes equal areas in equal
times; (3) that the ratio of the square of the planet's year to the cube of
the planet's mean distance from the sun is the same for each planet.
Now, what I am suggesting is that the 6000 year cycle fits a mathematical
model on logic and reason called Telos equals Arch plus C-squared:
Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c² [9(9²+1)/2]
That has been my particular field of study as my retirement activity. A
religious pursuit which is, how can I say, an area of contemplative life.
The best model that can currently be exhibited, with regards to this
particular thesis is nothing more than Harry Potter and the Philosopher
Stone. I raise that as a particular point because the poetry that is used
An example of this poetic conception (ie. prophecy in rhyme) that is
written to specific and equivalent Daemon/Angel (shown above) conveyed by
the Grapple Homoiotic noumenon as gematria associations to the Biblical
Hebrew/Greek Lexicon which are obtained from computed categories:
Nous: #32
Time: 09:10 hrs
Date: 2017.8.9
Torah: #80 #5 #30 %81 = #34
Dao: Natural Guide, Virtue of Holiness
Tetra: #43 - Encounters
I-Ching: H44 - Encounter, Coming On, Coupling, Coming to meet, Meeting
Latin: Bonus {Redemptor God} Alt: Chabaoyah {Hide Within God} {
4. Sothis - The Opener of the Year with the rising of Sirius {the Dog-Star}
as the Star of Isis-Sothis on whose rising the Great Bear cycle was founded
Abraham {Father of a multitude, chief of multitude}
***@zen: 3, row: 4, col: 6, nous: 32 [Super: #348 / #54 - Culturing
Perspectives and Intuition; I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding, Fullness;
Tetra: 45 - Greatness, Ego: #351 / #32 - Natural Guide, Virtue of Holiness;
I-Ching: H44 - Encounter, Coming On, Coupling, Coming to meet, Meeting;
Tetra: 43 - Encounters]
Is my thoughts on the Russell Street, Melbourne bombing of 1300 hours 27
March, 1986.
IMAGE: RUSSELL STREET BOMBING, (c) 1986 and licensed only for Facebook
social media
"Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold,
how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a
world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the
whole body, and setteth on fire the course-TROCHOS of nature-GENESIS; and
it is set on fire of hell.
For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in
the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no
man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we
God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the
similitude of God." [James 3:5-9 (KJV)]
MR RIDDELL: Madam, could I object?
MR RIDDELL: *I* *am* *not* *sure* *that* *the* *intention* *is* *entirely*
*relevant*. *It* *is* *the* *manner* *in* *which* *I* *reasonably*
*interpreted* *those* *phone* *messages*. *There* *is* *a* *transcript*
*before* *the* *court*. *I* *was* *threatened*.
Mr Boek, by his conduct today and in the past, on any objective view
appears to be unstable. I think it is inappropriate that this matter be
TITLE: "The Illegality Defence: Has your insured been misbehaving?"
Insurers and superannuation fund trustees assessing life and disability
claims may have cause to consider an insured's unlawful conduct and whether
grounds arise to decline a claim on the basis of the illegality defence.
There are a number of aspects to the illegality defence. This paper reviews
the impact of public policy on claims for indemnity arising out of unlawful
conduct on the part of insureds.
Insurers and superannuation fund trustees assessing disability insurance
Unlawful conduct by an insured may allow an insurer to deny liability for
an insurance claim on the grounds that it would be against public policy to
allow an insured to receive a benefit under the policy.
As the application of public policy often involves making difficult value
judgments, each case will depend upon its own particular circumstances. As
such, you may first wish to seek advice as to what action to take having
regard to the facts of your particular claim.
It is well established that a claim that arises out of a loss caused
directly in the commission of a felony or similarly serious criminal
offence by an insured can be denied on the ground that to pay the claim
would be contrary to public policy.(1) This is based on the principle that
no person should benefit from their crime or wrongdoing ("the public policy
See Troja v Troja (1994) 33 NSWLR 269; Helton v Allen (1940) 63 CLR 691;
Beresford v Royal Insurance Co, Ltd [1938] AC 586 at 596-599; Gray v Barr
[1971] 2 QB 554
Therefore we can understand the noumenal/linguistic semantics of reality as
psychological dynamics placed upon RUDOLF II (HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE as "The Mad
Alchemist") (1552–1612; ruled 1576–1612), Holy Roman emperor and Habsburg
monarch: "As the fundamental and all-embracing obligation imposed upon man
by the Creator, the natural law is the one to which all his other
obligations are attached. The duties imposed on us in the supernatural law
come home to us, because the natural law and its exponent, conscience, tell
us that, if God has vouchsafed to us a supernatural revelation with a
series of precepts, we are bound to accept and obey it." [Catholic
Encyclopaedia: 'Natural Law']
- http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09076a.htm
All too often when professional and vexatious opinions (eg: especially
lawyers, psychiatrists or from some professional field of endeavour) as
psycho-sexualisms such as:
1) The 'telephone calls were frightening and threatening';
2) 'Judgement impaired as alleged organic affective disorder--hypomania';
3) Symptoms of catatonia (ie. a state of neurogenic motor immobility and
behavioral abnormality manifested by stupor) associated with psychiatric
conditions such as schizophrenia (catatonic type), bipolar disorder,
post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and other mental disorders,
narcolepsy, as well as drug abuse or overdose (or both). It may also be
seen in many medical disorders including infections (such as encephalitis),
autoimmune disorders, focal neurologic lesions (including strokes),
metabolic disturbances, alcohol withdrawal and abrupt or overly rapid
benzodiazepine withdrawal; and,
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catatonia
4) Individuals with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations (most
reported are hearing voices), delusions (often bizarre or persecutory in
nature), and disorganized thinking and speech. The last may range from loss
of train of thought, to sentences only loosely connected in meaning, to
speech that is not understandable known as word salad. Social withdrawal,
sloppiness of dress and hygiene, and loss of motivation and judgment are
all common in schizophrenia. Distortions of self-experience such as feeling
as if one's thoughts or feelings are not really one's own to believing
thoughts are being inserted into one's mind, sometimes termed passivity
phenomena, are also common. There is often an observable pattern of
emotional difficulty, for example lack of responsiveness. Impairment in
social cognition is associated with schizophrenia, as are symptoms of
paranoia. Social isolation commonly occurs. Difficulties in working and
long-term memory, attention, executive functioning, and speed of processing
also commonly occur. In one uncommon subtype, the person may be largely
mute, remain motionless in bizarre postures, or exhibit purposeless
agitation, all signs of catatonia. About 30 to 50 percent of people with
schizophrenia fail to accept that they have an illness or comply with their
recommended treatment. Treatment may have some effect on insight. People
with schizophrenia often find facial emotion perception to be difficult.
People with schizophrenia may have a high rate of irritable bowel syndrome
but they often do not mention it unless specifically asked.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia
As vain opinions by those whose existence is defined by only a bi-polar
(HETEROS PARADIGM AS THEORY OF NUMBER) worldview which goes into torrent
and reaches capacity whenever it deals with a ternary (HOMOIOS PARADIGM AS
THEORY OF NUMBER) worldview. By such a false and defamatory witness (ie.
the binding norm (NORMA OBLIGANS - as voiced opinions?), as the subjective
grounding of infinity perpetuated by the conduct of amoral individuals
whose slanderous, murderous and disposable words are not ever their bond.
One is thereby placed, within a quadrant of accountability (ie. where a
tertiary degree as Ph.D is required to be undertaken before one can offer a
robust refutation) which is damaged, wrecked and wretched besiegement as a
binding or obligatory norm that is made against the Divine Authority as
AUTONOMY OF WILL, which otherwise imposes upon the rational creature the
obligation of living in conformity with his nature, and thus with the
universal order established by the Creator:
<Eternity>{Telos (6,000) = Arch (3W1D) + c² | 9(9²+1)/2}</Eternity>
Thus if God spoke his creation into existence, then words not only shape
one's reality, but they can imprison your present essence of being as mind,
body and ensure that even your soul is damned to a realm which I convey by
being held back (ie. restrained as being dammed) as dark matter within the
cosmos as your place to be for all eternity.
One can at anytime test against the noumenon this suitability for eternity
by your phenomenal circumstantial semantics which are associated with the
temporal reality:
Try this optical illusion test that's flummoxing the internet.
The test has been doing the rounds on Facebook with the caption: '#eyetest
- Share if you find C in 1 minute.'
If you don't get it in that time, you might want to make an appointment at
the opticians.' [Alison Maloney, www.thesun.co.uk, 1910 hours on 18 January
Did you get it instantly like I did?
I have previously said, that the motto of the British Monarchy and our
Justice System is DIEU ET MON DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT) and this
totality of a "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" as the "Power to Rule" and
"Dispense Justice" by "Edict as a *DIVINE* Authority", can be understood in
God (Godhead/DIVINE Nature as Mind) being defined by:
- "I am ALPHA (ie. of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet) and
OMEGA (ie. last letter of the Greek alphabet)" [Revelation 1:8, 11; 21:6,
- "The first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS" [Revelation 1:11; 22:13];
- "The beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS" [Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13].
So then given such a construct of the Divine Authority, here is an another
exercise of AUTONOMY OF WILL which is then an implicit Christ murderous
(INR) motive as culpability: 'Making a reasonable supposition as a logical,
probable and hypothetical proposition, which is then predicated upon by a
determined course of affirmative action to inform oneself through
inquisition as elimination--is the process of a rational mind practiced in
acquiring knowledge and explicit specification within Categories of
That in my view, punctiliousness is an intrinsic phonetic correspondence
and functional cognitive characteristic of mind.
For example, if all but the first and last letters are scrambled and the
sentence is entirely ambiguous, you can still disambiguate the word and
fully comprehend the sentence, Cambridge University researchers suggest:
"Taht in my veiw, psciiouelnunsts is an insniirtc phteinoc conrecoednprse
and fancounitl cvgiinote cartarseiichtc of mnid."
- http://douglastwitchell.com/scrambled_words.php
And in a similar manner, the mind's phonetic apprehension as the knowing of
any word's entity (ie. as the manner by which you can distinguish a car
exhaust blow back as a sudden and an inexplicable bang from an earlier
experience of a bomb blast) is a priori and transitional towards it's final
comprehension by it's acceptable, customary and correct orthography as
Category of Understanding.
Confusion like fear and paranoia which steadfastly and habitually refuses
to overcome its ignorant state by informing itself, can then be considered
Here is an another description of Autonomy of Will which is then an
Adam/Eve original sin scenario: 'That it is then, manifestly the
substantial cause as my impetus for the claim that you have departed from
all sense of decency as decorum being a stable characteristic, in having
lost a total semblance of rationality, as any connectivity with the
temporal as sensibility and coherence of reality--manifestly an insanity as
narcissist personality disordered.
You after all, are young and whimsical in being entirely driven as governed
by a daemonic circumstantial desire as inclusive of your sexual
appetite--it can no more make a justifiable claim of a substantial
rationality, coherence and integrity of being because you are entirely
unable to keep your intention, the utterance of your words and any
consequential action within concord as the ethereal quality and the
affirmation of the legitimacy of existence, which separates the mind of a
man from the impertinence, impudence and the inconsequential amorality of
the boy as possessing a deficiency and having a questionable and an
illegitimacy as only a pretentious claim to humanity--Such that, sex with
you would be bestial and against nature.'
The fragile, pathetic, frightened and circumstantial condition which is
your existence is clearly conveyed by the deprivation of language, which
isn't really sufficient as a quality or quantity to even authenticate your
A cockatoo would have a larger vocabulary!
Your manner of speech is a testimony to the ineffectual, circumstantial
manner of your life, which is driven by a contrary desire as feigned reason
(ie. the real and substantiating human dynamic) being the cause for
preference as fickle and inconsequential values. Other than to utter some
idiosyncratic preferences as wants, you are incapable of engaging within a
rational process of negotiation in order to resolve the dynamics of any
sexual opportunism, overcome any impediments to the whimsical
determination, that it might possibly occur--raising the significant
question as to whether you are even capable of showing any accountability
for harm reduction within your inter-personal interaction as your sexual
conduct. As being, something more than happenstance and thereby it's only
claim to virtue.
And here again is a perspective of your moral and natural law
accountability (ie. irrespective of belief, disbelief or non-belief) as an
absolute of mind which you must always have and no if buts or wherefore
otherwise, to be compliant with SECTION VIII of the Letters Patent to the
Australian Constitution of 1901: 'It ought to be abundantly clear then,
that I am not answerable to such impertinence, impudence and the
inconsequential amorality of another inhumane entity. Who is possessive of
a deficiency, in having a questionable and an illegitimacy as only a
pretentious claim to themselves continuing to have any validity of a lawful
existence within the Commonwealth of Australia.
Such a pretentious manner of life as theirs and a sinister intent to
otherwise meaningful mode of dialogue as premature ejaculation of vexatious
complaint is in reality, their taking too much self-importance upon
themselves and it has evidently become so burdensome for them as to be the
cause of too much sufferance.
Here then, is a rule of life as a maxim for them, so that they may live a
better quality of life without too much suffering:
'You live your life and only your life according it's measure.
And I will live my life, according to it's own measure and not be judged by
your limits of measure.'
When will you cease your delusional hedonism as your unnatural course of
life and comply with the laws of this land?'
Nous: #5
Date: 2016.2.24
Torah: #70 #300 #30 %81 = #76
Dao: Natural Guidance, Function of Emptiness
Tetra: #73 - Completion
I-Ching: H63 - Completion & After
Latin: Custos {Just God, who points to truth} Alt: Molahel {Command of God}
4. Sieme
Jeconiah {Preparation, or stability, of the Lord}
***@zen: 5, row: 9, col: 5, nous: 5 [Super: #288 / #3 - Political
Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward,
Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition, Ego: #375 / #5 - Natural Guidance,
Function of Emptiness; I-Ching: H63 - Ferrying Complete, Completion &
After, Already Fording; Tetra: 73 - Already Fording, Completion]
Ramchal first declares that "enthusiasm is an outcome of some inner
incandescence", which means to say that it's rooted in what we'd term
'drive' or a sense of personal urgency. For as we all know, there are times
when we're moved to do things almost involuntarily, as when a deep
intuitive understanding of what has to be done takes us over, and we're
But often times we're not moved at all and either drudge along or abandon
the idea. In any event Ramchal asserts that the sort of 'inner
incandescence' he spoke of can actually be prodded on; that we needn't wait
for it to burnish on its own. As he puts it, 'enthusiasm itself can produce
this incandescence'. That means to say that we can set fire to our souls by
acting enthusiastic, and thus bring on a degree of inner passion by means
of outer instigation.
For, 'just as you yourself instigate external movements' from the inside
out, 'so too can (your external movements) instigate inner movements' from
the outside in, 'even to the point where they can consciously arouse your
very yearnings and desires'.
So 'make use of what you have command over' -- your outer promptings, and
'you will eventually take control over what you do not'. And as a result,
'a great inner joy, desire and longing will come about as a result'. And
you will be the sort of person 'whose spirit is aflame in the service of
his Creator' spoken of above."
It's thus important to even settle for this sort of 'ruse', if you will, if
you don't seem to be driven to spiritual excellence internally, since 'the
most desirable traits in service to the Creator are willingness of heart
and longing of soul' on our part. So, learn to 'enthuse yourself' from the
outside in 'so that enthusiasm might eventually become second nature to
you.'" [Spiritual Excellence: The Path of the Just, Chapter 7 (Part 3),
Copyright (c) 2007 by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman, Project Genesis: www.Torah.org]
Nous: #28
Torah: #80 #6 #10 %81 = #15
Dao: Opposites and Primitivism, Returning to Simplicity
Tetra: #2 - Full Circle
I-Ching: H24 - Turning Point
Latin: Rector {God who supports the universe} Alt: Vasharyah {Many Masters
of God} {
4. Themeso
Eleazar {Help of God, court of God}
(#237 - *USE* *OF* *FORCE*)
***@zen: 6, row: 1, col: 1, nous: 28 [Super: #293 / #49 - Sage's
Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial
Difficulties, Sprouting, Gathering support, Hoarding; Tetra: 4 - Barrier,
Ego: #353 / #28 - Opposites and Primitivism, Returning to Simplicity;
I-Ching: H24 - Return, The turning point; Tetra: 2 - Full Circle]
What draws me to Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto 1707-1746 CE) is not
that in 1735 he left Italy for the freedom of Amsterdam--The attraction (as
occurs with many old cities) is the ability to stand in its place and
participate within the fabric of experience which collectively occur in
those time / spaces. That I, a man in the 21st century Australia (New
Holland) can through Rabbi Jaakov Feldman, understand the mind of the man,
who as I, have stood in Amsterdam streets.
He says of that time, the same is true of 'all rules (of nature) and all
characteristics'. That's to say that all measured and perceived phenomena,
as well as all the ways they act and interact, have been instituted by G-d,
and only continue by His constant assent. And just as 'He ordained these
rules, He is likewise able to suspend or change them at will, at any time'
-- that is, nothing is set in stone unless G-d 'engraves' it, and
everything is open for reconsideration at any time." [Fundamentals of the
Jewish Faith Chapter Nine: Miracles (Part 1), (c) Rabbi Jaakov Feldman,
Project Genesis: www.Torah.org]
Nous: #34
Time: 04:00 hrs
Date: 2016.5.21
Torah: #30 #30 #5 %81 = #65
Dao: Great Guide, Trust in its Perfection
Tetra: #27 - Duties
I-Ching: H18 - Arresting Decay
Latin: Regnator {Praiseworthy God} Alt: Niathel {Wail at the Portent of
God} {
4. Asentacer
Jared {Descent/A ruling; commanding; coming down}
***@zen: 1, row: 2, col: 7, nous: 34 [Super: #453 / #34 - Great
Guide, Trust in its Perfection; I-Ching: H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting
Decay, Correcting, Work on what has been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch;
Tetra: 27 - Duties, Ego: #298 / #34 - Great Guide, Trust in its Perfection;
I-Ching: H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what
has been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 27 - Duties]
That this discourse (in part and others besides on this discussion: 'Is
there a mathematic basis to the understanding of the Chinese classic
DAO-TE-CHING?') was provided during the undertaking of a voluntary
psychiatric assessment at Saint Vincent's Hospital, Sydney on 21 May 2008
associated with determining the extent of psychological injury perpetuated
by the Insurer and an appropriate context for legal recourse in other human
religious, political and justice rights matters associated with Internet
abuse as heteronomy against the autonomic right to regulative free-will
under the Commonwealth.
I had in an attempt to arrive at a semantically comprehensible consensus in
relation to the aforementioned paradigm of mind and associated with Jewish
understanding of complex metempirical philosophical and metaphysical
theological systems, provided the attendant psychiatrist physician with the
following Kabbalistic statement from Z'en ben Shimon Halevi's
Interpretation of the lower great Triad of #8 - HOD {VOLUNTARY mapped to
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM} as a pivot of the ID against the goal by a
transformative reflexive action as metaphysical dialectic progression of an
idea as trans-substantive justification by reflexive self preservation of a
transitive identity as equilibrium in traversal of a continuum and gave
further explanation: "In the plates of the psyche interleaved with the body
[which I equate to planes within the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC TEMPORAL / NOUMENAL
SYSTEM} of YEZIRAH ("World of Formation"): "In clinical terms this Sefirah
points into] the central nervous system.
As TIFERET {#6 - SELF} of the body the Sefirah oversees all its functions
and acts as the collection and distribution point of the upper and lower
worlds of the Physical Tree.
From the view that it is also the MALKHUT of the psychological body it can
be seen that the psyche is anchored to the physical organism with the
YEZIRATIC ("World of Formation") HOD {VOLUNTARY mapped to SPIROGYRA
NOUMENAL REALITY SPECTRUM} sharing the same Triad with the ASIYYATIC
("World of Action") BINAH {#3 - OUTER INTELLECT MAPPED TO vCYAN} and
CHOKMAH {#2 - INNER INTELLECT MAPPED TO vCORAL}, so that the psycho-organic
process blend and focus on the shared DAAT-YESOD Sefirah {the specific
complex. [As the conceptual Category of Understanding for the Grapple
temporal / noumenal reality daemon given for 21 May 2008 associated to '#8
#200 #90 -- To cut in, to scratch; to cut to a point, to sharpen; to
decide; to gird oneself, to be active; loins; to shine, glitter' within
Nous Conceptual Zone: #34 - Great Guide/ Trust in its Perfection; I-Ching:
H18 - Arresting Decay; Tetra: #27 - Duties]
Down the path from the ASIYYATIC ("World of Action") KETER comes WILL which
may manifest in two ways. Directly from KETER, through DAAT {the specific
physical upper face or through YESOD {SUPER-EGO as DARK ENERGY} in the
lower psychological face. In the case of a totally body-orientated man or
animal, Nature's Will is KETER.
In that of a man in touch with his YEZIRATIC ("World of Formation") TIFERET
or SELF, YESOD or the EGO, acts as the intermediary between the two Trees.
For most of us the situation is variable, our state of consciousness ever
changing as we oscillate between the dominance of the body and rulership of
our psyche. YESOD for us is the EGO, the servant trying to play at master."
[Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi, Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree, ISBN 0-946551-12X,
p 102-103]
The specialist doctor as Consultant Psychiatrist had no knowledge of Hebrew
philosophical and theological systems as paradigm of mind and psyche.
In 2006 I had a neighbour in Briagolong (as the father of the daughter from
whom I bought the property) who showed me a picture of a timber shack made
of bark, as his tranquil place.
We chatted all the way to the tip as I was taking out an ASKO washing
machine (it was more cost effective to buy a Fisher & Paykl than to repair
it) and a magpie of treasures (broken glass, nails and bits and bobs) I had
collected from tidying the yard. And he'd left a ruler in back of the
trailer which I was very prompt to return to him.
I'd done very little to the property other than to have a bull-nosed
verandah installed, tear down a shed, created a water efficient vegetable
garden, stone boundary fence garden features as fire breaks and to dig up
some concrete blocks.
It was the only time we three brothers had been together doing stuff. He
seems to have forgiven me for having our father brutalize him unfairly for
something of my invention and doing which had him leave home for good.
MATS WINTHER (***@SWIPNET.SE): "Drawing on notions from comparative
religion, and also Freud's discussion of the death drive, light is shed on
the psychodynamic principles behind terrorism, and the bottomless evil of
mankind, in general. Terrorism is not foremostly a political problem, or a
problem deriving from poverty. Nor is it an evil that derives from
unshackled instinctual forces. Terrorism, and the even greater problem of
bullying and victimization of our peers, derive from an archaic psychic
economy of sin transference. Following St Paul, people can be vaccinated
against this evil, by forsaking ideological grandiose ideals; by giving up
the search for the perfect, blissful, condition of outer life, and instead
learn that 'the kingdom is within.'" [The psychodynamics of terrorism,
January 2006)]
I dug up the lawn, as one does and found these magnificent river stones
which were so plentiful that they formed part of the verandah paving and an
extensive garden feature in the front.
He was troubled by his daughter's gift of a "Lazy Susan" as a revolving
stand or tray on a table, used esp. for holding condiments.
So after I returned the ruler, I gave him as an interpretation of his
disquieted state, the same Kabbalistic statement from Z'en ben Shimon
Halevi's Interpretation of the lower great Triad of #8 - HOD {VOLUNTARY
Nous: #33
Date: 2016.6.26
Torah: #10 #7 #30 %81 = #47
Dao: Achievable Goals, Virtue of Discrimination
Tetra: #35 - Gathering
I-Ching: H9 - Minor Restraint
Latin: Benedictus {God glorified in all things} Alt: Vambel {Repeated
Entrance of God} {
4. Theosulk
Shelah {Sprout/That breaks; that unties; that undresses}
***@zen: 5, row: 3, col: 5, nous: 33 [Super: #260 / #6 - Female
Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, Without
Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - Departure, Ego: #342 / #33 -
Achievable Goals, Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser
Domestication, Minor Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power of the
small, Small harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering]
I put forward the proposition that my actions were and remain reasonable on
two grounds--the first is that I haven't received any direct complaints
from the authors of Spiral Dynamics, in my development of the GRAPPLE
Kabbalistic Cube} utilizing their colour schema. The second reason as I
explained on 26 June 2008 with my General Practitioner Dr. Bloch (who is
Jewish), is that the Consultant Psychiatrist did not reply with the
comment, "Oh, that's a paradigm of mind Sigmund Freud would have been
familiar with."
Freud's association with a Rabbi Bloch and his reported interest in the
Lurianic Kabbalah is explored from both theoretical and psychotherapeutic
points of view by Sanford L. Drob's 2001 Ph.D thesis on the Lurianic
Kabbalistic symbols which are understood both as important historical
antecedents to psychoanalysis and as a significant source of both insight
and inspiration for contemporary psychotherapists:
I also dabble in a little metempirical philosophy and working on an Empire
project dealing with Global Governance, and love introducing new concepts
into the Australian lexicon: "Genocidal Afrikaner" as pre-dating Australian
Federation of 1901 and "Indigenous Dutch Australian" as being inclusive of
Jewish refugees pre-1770 who left the freedom of Amsterdam docks (Dutch
East Indies Company) to sow their seed in New Holland.
MY HOBBIES: 'Prosecution of warfare;
Effective protestations by one;
Metempirics of consent & reality;
Maintaining a good sperm count.'
IMAGE: (c) 2002 - Banksy: Laugh Now But One Day We'll Be In Charge
'I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain. Brethren, I urge
you to become like me, for I became like you. You have not injured me at
all. You know that because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to
you at the first. And my trial which was in my flesh you did not despise
or reject, but you received me as an Angel of God, even as Christ Jesus."
[Galatians 4:11–14 (NKJV)]
Contrary to the Kantian (22 April 1724 - 12 February 1804) theory that we
must not acknowledge any other lawgiver than conscience, the truth is that
reason as conscience is only immediate moral authority which we are called
upon to obey, and conscience itself owes its authority to the fact that it
is the mouthpiece of the Divine will and imperium. The manifesting norm
9(9²+1)/2}), which determines the moral quality of actions tried by the
GROUNDING OF INFINITY / *DO* *NOT* *STEAL* {72J + 3(3²+1)/2}), is reason.
Through this faculty we perceive what is the moral constitution of our
nature, what kind of action it calls for, and whether a particular action
possesses this requisite character.
Rudolf II was a controversial figure during his lifetime and has remained
one for historians since. He has many claims to fame and infamy. His
political and religious policies led to his ouster as ruler by members of
his own family and contributed to the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War
(1618–1648), one of the most destructive wars in European history. He
became a believer in and practitioner of the occult, promoting alchemy,
pursuing research into the Cabala, and seeking truth in various mysteries
and superstitions. And he was one of the great patrons of the arts and
letters, financing the work of scientists such as Tycho Brahe (1546–1601)
and Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), commissioning artists and engravers of
remarkable skill, and collecting fine works throughout Europe.
The Rudolphine Tables (Latin: Tabulae Rudolphinae) consist of a star
catalogue and planetary tables published by Johannes Kepler in 1627, using
some observational data collected by Tycho Brahe (1546–1601).
The tables are named as "Rudolphine" in memory of Rudolf II, Holy Roman
Emperor (1552-1612).
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolphine_Tables
Rudolf possessed an unstable personality and suffered serious physical and
psychological upheavals in 1578–1580 and 1599–1600. In response to the
latter, Rudolf retreated to his castle in Prague and became somewhat of a
recluse, focusing his attention on the occult. In some ways his breakdowns
and his internal struggles can be attributed to the two heavy burdens that
tormented his reign—the increasingly divisive struggle between Catholics
and Protestants and the threat to his lands posed by the Ottoman Empire.
Regarding the first, Rudolf and his brothers were educated at the leading
Roman Catholic center of power in Europe, the court of Philip II (ruled
1556–1598) of Spain, who was the cousin of their father, Emperor Maximilian
II (ruled 1564–1576). In Spain they observed the implementation of Philip's
belief that political and social strength can only come through religious
conformity—in this case Catholicism—and likewise observed the destructive
impact sectarian violence could have in the war in the Netherlands. Their
father, unlike Philip, was perfectly willing to tolerate Protestantism, and
some historians have argued that he was in fact a closet Lutheran. By the
time Maximilian died, a majority of Habsburg subjects had adopted
Lutheranism, and some had converted to Calvinism or one of the other
Protestant movements. Likewise the Estates of most of the Habsburg lands
had become strongholds of Protestantism.
Scholars have argued that, given his upbringing, Rudolf believed it his
task to restore Catholicism to his patrimony. He invited the Jesuits into
his lands, and they worked hard to reconvert Protestants. That action got
him into trouble with the Protestant Estates. In 1606 the Estates of
Hungary, Austria, and Moravia voted to turn him out and recognized his
brother, Matthias (ruled 1612–1619), as ruler. That in turn prompted Rudolf
to issue in 1609 what became the famous Letter of Majesty to the Estates of
Bohemia, promising them religious toleration if they would retain him as
sovereign. That did not work, and just before Rudolf's death in 1612 the
Bohemian Estates themselves recognized Matthias. The perceived infringement
of the Letter of Majesty in 1618 inspired the Bohemian Estates to reject
Habsburg rule altogether and to engage in those events that precipitated
the Thirty Years' War.
Rudolf's foremost biographer, R. J. W. Evans, has argued that Rudolf's
religious beliefs were by no means so solid. In fact he did not like
Catholicism because of the power of its clergy, and he particularly
distrusted the papacy. Yet he also had no affinity for Protestants because
of their tendency to divide endlessly into sects and squabbles. In the end
he was uncertain about religion and whether or not it did any good. Evans
has argued that in many ways Rudolf reflected doubts about religion found
elsewhere in Bohemia and has compared him to his distant successor Joseph
II (ruled 1765–1790), who was a tolerant Catholic but suspicious of the
church. Rudolf's doubts about religion encouraged his forays into the
occult and the mysterious in hopes of finding a different truth that
underlay life. Thus the Catholic-Protestant divide deepened not because of
his actions but because of his inability to take action.
Rudolf's other deep concern was the threat from the Turks. In large part
because of that threat, Rudolf moved the capital of the Habsburg lands from
Vienna to Prague, which became under his aegis a cultural capital of
Europe. Brahe and Kepler did their work there, and Rudolf employed many of
Europe's brilliant architects and artists there. He brought much art to the
city. His wars with the Turks lasted until 1606, ending with the Treaty of
Sitvatorok, an obscure treaty but the first in which the Turks acknowledged
the Habsburgs as their equals in international diplomacy. By that time the
radicalizing of the Catholic-Protestant split, Rudolf's seclusion, the
growing opposition to him among the Estates, and the discontent of his
family members had created an atmosphere that would no longer tolerate him
as ruler. Stripped of power, Rudolf died in 1612.
- http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Rudolf_II.aspx
ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "The lie is this below:
In 1514, Pope Leo X, recovering from syphilis, and in the company of 'seven
intimates' (Annales Ecclesiastici, Cardinal Baronius), raised a chalice of
celebratory wine into the air and toasted:
'How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has
been for us and our predecessors'
The line above was extracted from a play written by playwright John Bales,
intended to be a parody of the Catholic Church and an insult to the Pope,
named "The Pageant of the Popes". This same line has appeared in other
writings by Bale, critisizing the Pope."
DOLF: "How does that diminish it's actuality and factuality--given the
following observations:
- The Gutenberg printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the
German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, based on existing screw presses.
- John Bale (21 November 1495 - November 1563) was an English churchman,
historian and controversialist, and Bishop of Ossory. He wrote the oldest
known historical verse drama in English (on the subject of King John), and
developed and published a very extensive list of the works of British
authors down to his own time, just as the monastic libraries were being
dispersed. His unhappy disposition and habit of quarreling earned him the
nickname 'bilious Bale'.
William Shakespeare [26 April 1564 (baptised) - 23 April 1616)] was an
English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer
in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often
called England's national poet, and the "Bard of Avon".
This partial list contains persons burned by various religious groups,
after being deemed heretics. The list does not attempt to encompass the
full list of those executed by burning (such a one would include many other
people such as victims of witch hunts or other persecutions). Some of the
victims, such as Quirinus Kuhlmann and Jacques de Molay, were executed
primarily for political purposes; the charges of heresy were simply
official excuses:
- Quirinus Kuhlmann (February 25, 1651 - October 4, 1689) was a German
Baroque poet and mystic. Kuhlmann insisted upon the importance of the
events of his life as confirmation of his divine mission.
- Jacques de Molay (French: c. 1243 - 18 March 1314)] also spelt Molai,was
the 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, leading the Order
from 20 April 1292 until it was dissolved by order of Pope Clement V in
Though little is known of his actual life and deeds except for his last
years as Grand Master, he is the best known Templar, along with the Order's
founder and first Grand Master, Hugues de Payens (1070-1136).
After they were convicted by the Church, they were turned over to the local
government for execution because of religious restrictions that kept
ecclesial clergy from actually carrying out the executions.
DOLF: "Off to hell with you as God Almighty blasphemous Christ deniers,
murderous and forsaken ignorant dogs that you are.
There will be no more pleasant talk between us, as I will curse you with
every word from my mouth, such is my God ordained right to do so.
Your opportunity for repentance is gone.
You have lost your soul."
- St. Joan of Arc (1412-1431), Trial of Joan of Arc, Rouen, France
- Thomas Bagley (1431)
- Pavel Kravař (1433)
- Girolamo Savonarola (1498)
- Joshua Weißöck (1488-1498)
- Jean Vallière (1523)
- Hendrik Voes (1523), 1st martyr in the Seventeen Provinces
- Jan van Essen (1523), 1st martyr in the Seventeen Provinces
- Jan de Bakker (1525), 1st martyr in the Northern Netherlands
- Wendelmoet Claesdochter (1527), 1st Dutch woman charged and burned for
the accusation of heresy
- Michael Sattler (1527), Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany
- Patrick Hamilton (1528), St Andrews, Scotland
- Balthasar Hubmaier (1485-1528), Vienna, Austria
- George Blaurock (1491-1529), Klausen, Tyrol
- Hans Langegger (1529), Klausen, Tyrol
- Giovanni Milanese (1530)
- Richard Bayfield (1531), Smithfield, England
- James Bainham (1532), Smithfield, England
- John Frith (1503-1533), Smithfield, England
- William Tyndale (1490-1536), Belgium
- Jakob Hutter (1536), Innsbruck, Tyrol
- Aefgen Listincx (d. 1538), Münster, Germany
- Francisco de San Roman (1540), Spain
- Rogers' execution at Smithfield, 1555
- Giandomenico dell' Aquila (1542)
- Maria van Beckum (d. 1544)
- Ursula van Beckum (d. 1544)
- George Wishart (1513-1546), St Andrews, Scotland
- John Rogers (1555), London, England
- Canterbury Martyrs (1555), England
- Laurence Saunders, (1519-1555), England
- Rowland Taylor (1555), England
- Burning of John Hooper in Gloucester, 1555
- John Hooper (1555), Gloucester, England
- Robert Ferrar (1555), Carmarthen, Wales
- Patrick Pakingham (1555), Uxbridge, England
- Hugh Latimer (1485-1555), England
- Nicholas Ridley (1500-1555), England
- Bartolomeo Hector (1555)
- Paolo Rappi (1555)
- Vernon Giovanni (1555)
- Labori Antonio (1555)
- John Bradford (1555), London, England
- Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556), England
- Stratford Martyrs (1556), 11 men and 2 women, London, England
- Joan Waste (d. 1556), Derby, England
- Pomponio Algerio (1556)
- Nicola Sartonio (1557)
- Thomas von Imbroich (1558) (beheaded)
- Fra Goffredo Varaglia (1558)
- Gisberto di Milanuccio (1558)
- Francesco Cartone (1558)
- Antonio di Colella (1559)
- Antonio Gesualdi (1559)
- Giacomo Bonello (1560)
- Mermetto Savoiardo (1560)
- Dionigi di Cola (1560)
- Gian Pascali di Cuneo (1560)
- Bernardino Conte (1560)
- Giorgio Olivetto (1567)
- Luca di Faenza (1568)
- Thomas Szük (1522-1568)
- Bartolomeo Bartoccio (1569)
- Dirk Willems (1569), Netherlands
- Fra Arnaldo di Santo Zeno (1570)
- Alessandro di Giacomo (1574)
- Benedetto Thomaria (1574)
- Diego Lopez (martyr)|Diego Lopez (1583)
- Gabriello Henriquez (1583)
- Borro of Arezzo (1583)
- Ludovico Moro (1583)
- Pietro Benato (1585)
- Francesco Gambonell (1594)
- Marcantonio Valena (1594)
- Giovanni Antonio da Verona (1599)
- Fra Celestino (1599)
- Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), Rome, Italy
- Maurizio Rinaldi (1600)
- Bartolomeo Coppino (1601)
- Kimpa Vita (1684-1706), Angola
- Maria Barbara Carillo (1625-1721), Madrid, Spain
- Robert Barnes (1540), Smithfield, London, England
- Thomas Gerrard (1540), Smithfield, England
- Anne Askew (1521-1546), Smithfield, England
- John Lascelles (1546), Smithfield, England
- John Adams (1546), Smithfield, England
- Joan Bocher (1550), Smithfield, England
- George van Parris (1551), Smithfield, England
- Matthew Hamont (1579), Norwich, England
- John Lewes (1583)
- Peter Cole (1587)
- Francis Kett (1589), Norwich, England
- Bartholomew Legate (1575-1612), Smithfield, England
- Edward Wightman (1566-1612), relapsed heretic, Lichfield, England
- Malin Matsdotter (1613-1676), for witchcraft, Stockholm, Sweden
SOURCE: The book "Acts and Monuments" by John Foxe, commonly known as
Foxe's Book of Martyrs lists many more than this. [Wikipedia 2016:
% (***@GMAIL.COM): “and then in your pee hole”
DOLF: “To paraphrase Doctor John Harvey Kellogg, ‘YOU ARE A SICK MAN, SIR!
You have have been brutalised and have a self identity crisis relating to
your formula of autonomy.”
YOUTUBE: "The Road to Wellville [1994] - Little George"
GRAHAM COOPER #7: “Too close to be coincidence!”
BDK (***@WORLDCONTROL.COM): "The #CENTRE interior looks like about half
of the office buildings I've worked in. Nothing special about it at all."
GRAHAM COOPER #7: “How many stories up is it?”
BDK (***@WORLDCONTROL.COM): “Why does that matter? You need to explain
your crazed, insane, really out there ravings to sane people.
We just don't see all the ***@t you see.
KERNEL DON JUAN: “I mean, is he psychologically fit for human consumption?
"Dolf? Well, he's just another one of those certifiable nut jobs, is all."
YOUTUBE: "Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Zola Scene"
GRAHAM COOPER #7 @ 1025 HOURS ON 25 JUNE 2017: “like the Avengers Dolf....
don't you?”
A team of power company workers was trudging through a seldom-visited
thicket in Southwest Washington when they spotted something odd in a ditch.
Protruding from the grass was a rectangular slab of granite.
They looked closer, and an inscription on the surface came into focus. What
they saw astonished them.
It was a memorial. In honour of Nazi spies. On U.S. government property.
“In memory of agents of the German Abwehr,” the engraving began, “executed
August 8, 1942.”
Below that were six names, and below those was another cryptic line:
“Donated by the N.S.W.P.P.”
News of the unsettling discovery soon reached Jim Rosenstock, who worked in
resource management for the National Park Service and also happened to be a
local history buff. He was curious, but also skeptical.
How could someone have planted such an item there? And why? And — above all
— who?
Rosenstock needed to see it for himself, so he, too, made the hike into
Blue Plains, a woody area known best for a wastewater treatment plant and
an abundance of mosquitoes. And that’s when he saw the stone.
“I kind of started doing a little bit of my own research,” Rosenstock
recalled of that day in 2006 when he began to help unravel an
only-in-Washington mystery, complete with World War II espionage,
nationwide panic, a mass electrocution, J. Edgar Hoover chicanery, white
supremacists, classic federal bureaucracy and a U.S. Supreme Court case
that played a significant role in America’s modern war on terror.” [©
1996-2017 The Washington Post, ‘Democracy Dies In Darkness]
DOLF: “Why are you always talking about dementia you ***@t faced and
treasonable fascist dogs?
It’s such unnecessary *DOUBLETHINK* of a claimed veritable truth as
deception in my view, and there ought to be laws which adequately protect
us from side-walk opportunists such as you.
- the acceptance of two contradictory ideas or beliefs at the same time;
- Word (14th in a row) of the Day for 25 June 2017; Courtesy:
YOUTUBE: "Foreigner - 'I Want To Know What Love Is'"
Firstly the last 24 HOURS clearly indicate that we have won the war and you
are just a caged animal.
Your increasingly desperate acts are evidence of that reality.
YOUTUBE: "Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch"
I don't have PTSD, but because I have first hand experience of a bomb-blast
I have an empathy for soldiers who do and therefore have considered a
remedy as a hypothesis called the:
It is briefly thus: That you identity the causal event or subsequent
episode and resolve either the cushioning SUPER (MALE) IDEA which for
example today is #461.
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: {OUTER: #56 - Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity; I-Ching:
H55 - Abundance, Abounding, Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement / INNER: #10
- Impossible Advice, What can Be Done?; I-Ching: H30 - Cohesion, Radiance,
Clinging to Brightness/Fire, The net; Tetra: 41 - Response} #461 has 21
#5, #1, #9, #40, #6, #400 = 'atam (H331): 1) to shut, shut up, close; 1a)
(Qal) to shut, stop (of lips); 1b) (Hiphil) of the wicked stopping their
ears (fig.); #1, #400, #10, #50 = 'ath (Aramaic) (H852): 1) sign,
miraculous signs, wonders; #1, #400, #50, #10 = 'Ethniy (H867): 1) an
ancestor of Asaph; #6, #30, #9, #2, #8, #6, #400 = tabbachah (H2879): 1)
female cook, cook; #6, #10, #400, #40, #5 = Yithmah (H3495): 1) a Moabite,
one of David's mighty warriors; #6, #400, #30, #5, #9, #5, #6 = lahat
(H3857): 1) to burn, blaze, scorch, kindle, blaze up, flame; 1a) (Qal)
blazing (participle); 1b) (Piel) to scorch, burn, blaze; #6, #40, #9, #6,
#400 = mowtah (H4133): 1) pole, bar of yoke; 1a) pole; 1b) bar of yoke;
1b1) of oppression (fig.); #2, #50, #2, #6, #1, #400 = nebuw'ah (Aramaic)
(H5017): 1) prophesying; #100, #200, #90, #10, #5, #6, #50 = qerats
(Aramaic) (H7170): 1) piece; 1a) denounce, slander, accuse maliciously,
chew on (idiom); #40, #300, #40, #6, #70, #5 = shemuw`ah (H8052): 1)
report, news, rumour; 1a) report, news, tidings; 1b) mention; #6, #30,
#300, #40, #70, #10, #5 = Shema`yah (H8098): 1) a prophet of the Lord in
the reign of king Rehoboam of Judah; 2) the Nehelamite, a false prophet in
the time of the prophet Jeremiah; 3) father of Delaiah, one of the princes
of Judah in the time of the prophet Jeremiah; 4) an inhabitant of
Kirjathjearim and father of Urijah, a prophet of the Lord in the time of
the prophet Jeremiah; 5) a Judaite, son of Shechaniah, father of Hattush,
and descendant of Zerubbabel; 6) a Simeonite, father of Shimri; 7) a
Reubenite, son of Joel and father of Gog; 8) a Merarite Levite, son of
Hasshub in the time of Nehemiah; 9) a Levite, son of Galal and father of
Obadiah; 10) a Levite and head of the family of the sons of Elizaphan who
were commissioned to bring the ark to Jerusalem in the time of David; 11) a
Levite and scribe, son of Nethaneel in the time of David; 12) a Levite, 1st
son of Obed-Edom in the time of David; 13) a Levite, descendant of Jeduthun
the singer in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah; 14) a Levite, one of the
messengers of Ezra to Iddo; 15) a Levite in the time of king Jehoshaphat of
Judah; 16) a Levite, one of several in charge of distributing the free will
offerings brought to God to their Levite brethren in the time of king
Hezekiah of Judah; 17) a Levite in the time of king Josiah of Judah; 18)
head of a family of exiles who returned with Ezra; 19) a priest, of the
sons of Harim who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra; 20) an Israelite
of the sons of Harim who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra; 21) son of
Delaiah, grandson of Mehetabeel, and a false prophet hired by Tobiah and
Sanballat to give false guidance to Nehemiah; 22) a priest who sealed the
covenant with Nehemiah and participated in the dedication of the wall; 23)
a priest who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; 24) a leader of the
people at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah;
25) grandfather of the priest Zech; #5, #400, #50, #6 = tanah (H8566): 1)
to hire; 1a) (Qal) to hire; 1b) (Hiphil) to hire (a prostitute), give
amorous favours; #1, #4, #10, #20, #8, #200, #8, #10, #200 = adikeo (G91):
1) absolutely; 2) transitively; 1a) to act unjustly or wickedly, to sin,;
1b) to be a criminal, to have violated the laws in some way; 1c) to do
wrong; 1d) to do hurt; 2a) to do some wrong or sin in some respect; 2b) to
wrong some one, act wickedly towards him; 2c) to hurt, damage, harm; #1,
#50, #5, #80, #5, #200, #70, #50 = anapipto (G377): 1) to lie back, lie
down; 2) to recline at a table, to sit back; #4, #70, #60, #1, #7, #8,
#300, #1, #10 = doxazo (G1392): 1) to think, suppose, be of opinion; 2) to
praise, extol, magnify, celebrate; 3) to honour, do honour to, hold in
honour; 4) to make glorious, adorn with lustre, clothe with splendour; 4a)
to impart glory to something, render it excellent; 4b) to make renowned,
render illustrious; 4b1) to cause the dignity and worth of some person or
thing to become manifest and acknowledged; #5, #60, #8, #3, #5, #10, #300,
#70 = exegeomai (G1834): 1) to lead out, be leader, go before; 2) metaph.,
to draw out in narrative, unfold a teaching; 2a) to recount, rehearse; 2b)
to unfold, declare; 2b1) the things relating to God; 2b2) used in Greek
writing of the interpretation of things sacred and divine, oracles, dreams,
etc.; #5, #80, #1, #10, #300, #5, #10, #50 = epaiteo (G1871): 1) to ask
besides, ask for more; 2) to ask again and again, importunately; 3) to beg,
to ask alms; #20, #1, #50, #70, #50, #70, #200 = kanon (G2583): 1) a rod or
straight piece of rounded wood to which any thing is fastened to keep it
straight; 2) a definitely bounded or fixed space within the limits of which
one's power of influence is confined; 3) metaph. any rule or standard, a
principle or law of investigating, judging, living, acting; 1a) used for
various purposes; 1a1) a measuring rod, rule; 1a2) a carpenter's line or
measuring tape; 1a3) the measure of a leap, as in the Olympic games; 2a)
the province assigned one; 2b) one's sphere of activity; #20, #1, #300, #8,
#100, #3, #8, #20, #1 = katargeo (G2673): 1) to render idle, unemployed,
inactivate, inoperative; 2) to cause to cease, put an end to, do away with,
annul, abolish; 1a) to cause a person or thing to have no further
efficiency; 1b) to deprive of force, influence, power; 2a) to cease, to
pass away, be done away; 2b) to be severed from, separated from, discharged
from, loosed from any one; 2c) to terminate all intercourse with one; #80,
#100, #1, #10, #70, #200 = praos (G4235): 1) gentle, mild, meek; #80, #100,
#10, #200, #20, #1, #50 = Priska (G4251): 1) a Christian woman, the wife of
Or alternatively the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA is #321.
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: {OUTER: #78 - Recognizing Fidelity, Trust in Faith;
I-Ching: H59 - Dispersion, Dispersal (dissolution); Tetra: 47 - Pattern /
INNER: #34 - Great Guide, Trust in its Perfection; I-Ching: H18 - Ills to
Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has been spoiled
(decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 27 - Duties} #321 has 14 Categories:
#5, #60, #6, #200, #10, #40 = 'ecuwr (H612): 1) band, bond; 2) house of
bonds, prison (figurative); #1, #300, #20 = 'eshek (H810): 1) testicle; 2)
(CLBL) stone; #6, #3, #2, #10, #300 = gabiysh (H1378): 1) crystal; #6, #8,
#300, #2, #5 = Chashubah (H2807): 1) a son of Zerubbabel; #6, #10, #200,
#100, #5 = yaraq (H3417): 1) (Qal) to spit; #6, #40, #70, #200, #5 =
Me`arah (H4632): 1) an area or cavern in the neighbourhood east of Sidon;
#40, #200, #10, #1, #10, #20, #40 = meriy' (H4806): 1) well-fed, fatling;
#80, #200, #1, #40 = Pir'am (H6502): 1) the Amorite king of Jarmuth at the
time of the conquest; #10, #90, #5, #10, #200, #6 = tsahar (H6671): 1)
(Hiphil) to press oil, press out oil, glisten; #100, #200, #10, #1, #10 =
qariy' (H7148): 1) called, summoned, called one; #5, #100, #200, #10, #1,
#5 = qeriy'ah (H7150): 1) proclamation, preaching; #6, #200, #70, #40, #5 =
Ra`mah (H7484): 1) son of Cush and father of Sheba and Dedan; 2) a home of
traders; #1, #80, #5, #10, #9, #5, #10, #1, #200 = apeitheia (G543): 1)
obstinacy, obstinate opposition to the divine will; #3, #5, #5, #50, #50,
#8, #200 = geenna (G1067): 1) Hell is the place of the future punishment
call Gehenna or Gehenna of fire. This was originally the valley of Hinnom,
south of Jerusalem, where the filth and dead animals of the city were cast
out and burned; a fit symbol of the wicked and their future destruction;
And then beginning from the already known cosmogony as #0 - GENESIS REPISE
(EQUINOX of Wednesday 21 March 1996) you ought amplify the #YOD immediately
before and subsequently the #MEM thereafter of any adverse psychological
EVENT and the process of cognition as consciousness within the time
continuum ought to then resume flowing normally as regained equilibrium of
any semblance rationality as relativity to your labyrinth of sanity.
Additionally there is the consideration of your being ANAL SADISTIC and
having a lack of EMPATHY.
That your SISSY BOY, CROSS DRESSING and LADY BOY fixation may be a
sympathetic psychological need for restored MALE BONDING which can only be
met by real and genuine MALE TO MALE sexual activity as having intimacy
rather than being focussed upon any SADO MASOCHISTIC scenario as
self-justification of your ego.
KERNEL DON JUAN: "Thank you, President Trump. You're already MAKING
AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and yer not even [one year] in office.
DOLF: "You don't believe in God you stupid ***@nt."
KERNEL DON JUAN: "Dolf, never call Your Colonel a ***@nt, you ill-bred
CHECKMATE, DOW #1 (***@THE.EDGE): "He said 'stupid' too."
KERNEL DON JUAN: "I'll introduce this way-out feller from Oz to a Summary
REDZAP78 (KOOKS): "Checkmate and dolf must be twin trolls."
CHECKMATE, DOW #1 (***@THE.EDGE): "Just threaten him with a
Court Marshal, and offer to let him sign an Article 15 instead... [and]
he'll cave [in] like the ***@nt [that] he is."
Call the Brain Police!"
DOLF: "Did you have a problem with the MATHEMATICAL LOGIC on which the
response to you was made?"
KERNEL DON JUAN: "Wot? Cum again. LOL."
DOLF: "I think they call that an innate *FAUSTIAN* [Courtesy: Word of the
Day for 2 December, 2016; www.dictionary.com] practice of ratiocination in
being evidential as the process of forming judgments by reasoning and
*FAUSTIAN* (adjective)
- relating to and as characteristic of Faust: (circa 1481 - 1541 CE),
German astronomer, necromancer and a scholar who is highly successful yet
dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil,
exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures.
- sacrificing spiritual values for power, knowledge, or material gain;
- characterized by spiritual dissatisfaction or torment.
- possessed with a hunger for knowledge or mastery.
KERNEL DON JUAN @ 0417 HOURS 30 NOVEMBER 2016: "The Moslums have second
'Blessed be he who cums in the name of the Lord.'
TRUMP 'NOT BIBLICALLY QUALIFIED' [and] thank god for that.
Wot we don't need is some ***@ckin' bible bangin' ***@ckwad in there.
OMGAWD! Jesus made me misspell 'off!’.
DOLF: "Don't post in religious newsgroups Kernel--we don't want your
diseased mind to interfere with our lives any longer."
KERNEL DON JUAN: "Just bend over an' I'll check yer oil, D.O.L.F.
LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR (BARRY ***@SAYMYNAME): "I['ve] upset the Dolt by
saying I have him kill-filed.
I long for a kill-file that will really kill the Dolt."
WOTAWONDERFULWORLD (***@FOOBAR): ”That man can definitely cut and paste a
whole pile of Crap. Was funny for a while, but really... Just a tad
DOLF: "That is because you are unjustly too stupid--don't breed you bestial
You haven't learned have you?
I think there are some sports people baying (ie. of a dog/jackal as god of
the dead, especially a large one which bark or howl loudly; of a group of
people shouting loudly, typically to demand) for a piece of you Lucifer
Morningstar (Barry ***@saymyname)."
I mean, wot could it hurt?"
DOLF: "Kindness begets kindness and as the Brazilians know lawlessness
begets lawlessness."
DOLF @ 0555 HOURS (AEST) 30 NOVEMBER 2016: "Maybe I should just put the
Kernel into a post-hole and not waste any real-estate on a grave."
LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR (BARRY ***@SAYMYNAME): "I call shenanigans on all
theistic religions.
Is Dolf still posting?
I have him kill-filed."
DOLF: "It isn't funny anymore."
SKEETER (***@SKIDADDLE): "Yes it is."
DOLF: "I've have an objective means as the measure and determination
regarding rationality and you do not.
I am going to shortly pursue you for a culture of persecution which I have
found endemic in Irish nationalism as a such a disrespect of SOVEREIGN
PRINCIPLES of the CROWN as to constitute TREASON.
I am intentioned to make an exemplar of you as is permitted by prerogative
under law.
And I will not cease until I skip down the street with your entails such is
my hatred of you.
I will rub your nose within your faux-ANZAC jingoistic tradition shit as an
impious attempt to impose a substituted virtue.”
LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR (BARRY ***@SAYMYNAME): "... and more bullshit than
any sane person could manage."
DOLF: "Therefore it is not a question of my being 'unhinged' (ie. mentally
imbalanced or deranged) but of that of yourself.
And it would be reasonable to make such a proposition, due entirely to your
then restoring to incoherent primitivism as animalistic and gibberish
speech which is devoid of any rigorous mentalism.
Punctuation excepted and even that is only circumstantial, spurts and
faltering stutters which neither declares thereby any existentiality nor
proclaims an essentiality as subsistent to reality.
In that, you make as a protestation of 'wot?' and then follow it with an
illogical proposition 'cum again?' as evidence of incomprehensibility as to
being an impossibility for any senile impotent prick, a dag festering
arsehole and a coward with no balls ('wethered') that you are--by hiding
under a cloak of anonymity, you can only bleat (ie. speak or complain in a
weak, querulous, or foolish way) as an onomatopoeia.
It is not an accomplishment within your capability.
IN SHORT: you are so mentally deficient that you have to resort to
syllobalism and can't string a comprehensive sentence together as any
You cannot even convey by such minuscule language, a sufficient degree of
rationality as being pre-requisite of an adult who is desirous of engaging
within any lawful sexual activity.
YOUTUBE: "It Gets Better: 'True Colors' Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles
Your impudence as protestation is not at all unlike the Brazilians disquiet
about their sports dead and who likewise do so without any justifiable
cause because the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission here
doesn't grant the personal dignity as the right of the individual to hold a
religious belief which is inclusive of a value statement about their
possessing a self-identity as formula of autonomy that is free from any
Institutional prerogative.
Their sports dead ought to then have no more human rights than we are
permitted by law.
Not one of them is going to see eternity.
They are already starting with their deceptive, fraudulent nonsense as
false claims made of piety:
'In a plane crash, you know that the chance of survival is virtually zero.
That he was among the survivors is a miracle of God," Follmann's father,
Paul, told Globo.
You sir are a liar and can make no such claim of God.
Whether it is the HETEROS binomial (ie. bifurcated gender and spermatic
attribution) THEORY OF NUMBER associated with any SPORT, OLYMPIC GAMES or
the Roman Catholic Church...
Such Christian and religious identity is entirely delusional and fraudulent
in being only derived from Pythagorean [Babylonian Whoredom] HETEROS THEORY
OF NUMBER mysticism as use of a transformative prototype associated with
heterosexual marriage that is the wicked religious/governmental use of the
meta-descriptor prototypes which are depicted within the Egyptian Book of
the Dead.
And they don't have any factual belief in either the ALMIGHTY as GOD of the
LIVING, the GODHEAD as the mind of God being HEAVEN-EARTH-MAN encapsulation
embodied within Jesus of Nazareth nor that of mankind as
HOMO[IOS]-SAPIEN[T] who are created in the image of GOD which is defined by
the ternary (tetragrammaton) as HOMOIOS ternary THEORY OF NUMBER.
I want justice and my human rights instead of this debauchery of endless
games with no ethical imperative engaged in by especially males who do not
give a damn about the basic rights and dignity of others.
I will not have any such fascist Roman Catholic scum by their idolatry as
impious dogs denying my intrinsic rational and reasonable human rights.
Thus as our proclamation of a sovereign, immutable and immortal belief in
Almighty God as our witness, we will speak against the souls of your dead
as being unworthy of any eternity and encourage the Pope to a public
contrition as the quintessential characteristic of our faith.
To this day the Roman Catholic Church has proffered no repentance.
If you have any problem with that take your pious pretence up with your
Is there any place within this world and it’s history where Roman
Catholicism has reigned free of perversity, depravity and debauchery?
The Brazilians have even shown us during their hosting of the Olympic Games
a shocking and unprecedented habitual culture of criminality as an ABSOLUTE
made against man and blasphemy to God which will not be forgiven them.
So I demand that you cease claiming the name of Jesus Christ and fraudulent
claim of any Christian identity as his sacrificial blood avails you not.
Because you are found to be liars and there is no longer any opportunity
for repentance.
Your civil duty as community builders has only been indulgently expressed
to those of the same sporting ilk.
You may well find my speech contemptible to your sensibilities but had I
not spoken, there would have been no words between us and not so much as a
greeting as we passed by within the street.
And now, I turn my back upon all of you and so send you off to hell.
Grace may be shown to your children whom you will raise differently *but*
*no* *eternity* *will* *be* *given* *to* *any* *of* *you*."
YOUTUBE: "Geronimo - Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles"
Geronimo is a very rare Italian form of Jerome, a name ultimately derived
from the Greek Hieronymos (Ιερωνυμος) from the elements HIEROS meaning
'holy, sacred' and ONOMA meaning 'name'. In other words, Geronimo is a
'holy name'.
CHECKMATE, DOW #1 (***@THE.EDGE): "'The response to you was
Is that some [sort of] shoddy sentence structure, or what? LOL!"
DOLF: "The response to you was made from the very foundations of life
YOUTUBE: "Universal soldier - Do you hear me?"
DOLF: “How many stories up is it?Get use to the idea that your ego ought
NOT to impose itself by any means whatsoever upon my self-identity as
formula as autonomy.
Otherwise I will give you a lesson which will leave you pickled and it
won't be relished.
Het lijkt erop dat u onderworpen bent aan een gemeenschappelijke stroom
semantiek als het lexicon van opportunisme:
Verzet is zinloos - you will be assimilated!
YOUTUBE: "The Borg Assimilation"
Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related
stories you may have missed:
Germany and Canada are looking to expand their legal ability to compromise
computer networks and devices.
First, Germany's parliament adopted legislation giving German law
enforcement authorization to deploy malware to investigate thirty-eight
different criminal offenses, ranging from money laundering to the
distribution of child pornography.
The new lawful hacking powers--which some find controversial--should help
German law enforcement bypass the increasing ubiquity of encryption that
hinders their ability to access a criminal suspects' data by capturing it
before it is encrypted. Second, Canada is considering legislation that
would give the Communications Security Establishment, the country's signals
intelligence agency, authority to engage in "active" offensive cyber
These new powers would give CSE the ability to "degrade, disrupt,
influence, respond to or interfere with the capabilities, intentions or
activities" of a foreign individual, state, organization, or terrorist
group through cyberspace. The move is part of a broader reform of Canada's
national security apparatus and comes a week after CSE published an
assessment of the threat of foreign interference into Canada's elections.
The University of Toronto's Citizen Lab claims that an unknown actor is
using cyber-espionage tools to target Mexican journalists and human rights
defenders involved in investigations of high-level official corruption or
human rights abuses.
The targets were compromised by Pegasus, a malware platform developed by
the NSO Group, an Israeli cybersecurity firm. The Mexican government admits
that it bought Pegasus but denies misusing it to target journalists and
activists. This isn't the first time that NSO's toolbox has come under
Last year, Pegasus malware was found on the devices of human rights
activists in the United Arab Emirates. The company claims that it only
sells its software to governments and can't be held responsible for what
they chose to do with their tools.
In recent years, a cottage industry of boutique firms have sprung up to
provide bespoke cyber espionage services to governments that don't have an
in-house capability to develop their own tools, like the CIA or NSA.”
- https://www.cfr.org/blog-post/cyber-week-review-june-23-2017
SUPPORT CASE NUMBER: 100197412009:
I have been subject to repeated cyber-attacks on both my Macintosh Computer
Systems which were intent on their destruction.
The technical onus upon myself as to prevent further intrusions so that I
may freely use for their intended purpose is substantial enough, but made
intolerable by the need to place your computer into a mode of operation so
that I may over-ride your inhibitors as your so called approach to
I neither have the time nor the inclination to do so and that Apple
Corporation's had been uncaring and dishonest about the insecurity
associated with the use of your computers on the Internet.
I have taken steps to backup machine images to a Time Capsule so as to
assist yourselves in the investigation of any probable cause for such
security breaches.
I am prepared to provide this Time Capsule to Apple Computers but as I am
not prepared to use the devices again at present, you will have to provide
me necessary data from the file store.
The newest Mac Mini is still subject to warranty and accordingly I wish to
return this computer to Apple on the grounds that it does not provide a
safe Internet Computer environment which Apple has fraudulently and
dishonestly alleged it provide.
Accordingly I wish to have a full refund of the purchase price.
Accordingly could you please provide a contact time/date, person name and
address within Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where I can personally and
directly return the Apple Mac Mini, Keyboard, Mouse and Super Drive and the
Time Capsule.
If I obtain no response from this email enquiry (as is your habitual
disrespect), I will direct the matter of complaint to the Small Claims
Thank you.”
DOLF @ 1814 HOURS ON 29 MAY 2017: “After waiting on hold for 50 minutes and
finally getting to speak to a Rebecca from Customer Services the line
disconnects mid-sentence.
If there is no call back after seven days, I will direct the matter to the
Small Claims Tribunal.
I'm done with Apple's disrespect.”
DOLF @ 1826 HOURS ON 29 MAY 2017: “3 times I have been subject to a return
call from 02 8987 8000 with no person there.
That is my patience done.”
DOLF @ 0609 HOURS ON 30 MAY 2017: “After 7 days the technical opportunity
to access the data as allege breach of Apple 's Intellectual Property
rights will no longer be available to you.
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indYlhoYngxd2Vobnc
DOLF @ 0725 HOURS ON 30 MAY 2017: “And any further attempts at stifled
communication which is not directed to my expectations will have the
opportunity rescinded immediately.
So my advice is that APPLE give it their shot at trying to be sincere which
I know is an impossible expectation for Americans.
DOLF @ 1552 HOURS ON 30 MAY 2017: “Still no response from APPLE, excepting
a feedback survey wherein I conveyed that the matter was not resolved.
Rebekah evidently has sold her soul to an American company and feel's she
can thereby prostitute any PRINCIPLES of the CROWN as treason.
People's get ready for the public declaration within six days time, that
you cannot trust APPLE Computer with matters of integrity, dignity,
reputation and security when you connect one of their computers to the
It's too early to convey the view that you ought, given the Company's
fraudulent representations (ie. no different to falsifying car emission
software but of a much larger scale) that you ought to return your
Macintosh computer and get a refund.
But that is what is at stake.”
DOLF @ 1749 HOURS ON 30 MAY 2017: “In truth, there is no valid claim which
Rebekah [1 300 419 374 ext 8951008] can make of religious belief and I'm
not interested in any rationalisations which she might care to make.
If I don't here from you to resolve the issues placed before APPLE then she
and the CEO will then face a charge of TREASON in their giving material
support to terrorism.”
Nous: #25
Time: 12:50 hrs
Date: 2017.10.6
Torah: #70 #50 #6 %81 = #45 Dao: What's behind it all?, Imaging the
Mysterious Tetra: #10 - Defectiveness, Distortion I-Ching: H62 - Minor
Superiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,
Small surpassing
Latin: Advitor {Infinitely good God} Alt: Rah'el {Friend of God} {
4. Asau
#111 CE
***@zen: 3, row: 5, col: 9, nous: 25 [Time: 1250 hrs, Super: #307 /
#42 - Generating Things, Reason's Modifications; I-Ching: H60 - Control,
Restraint, Articulating, Limitation, Moderation; Tetra: 52 - Measure, Ego:
#479 / #25 - What's behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 -
Minor Superiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the
small, Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: {OUTER: #64 - Consider the Small and Insignificant;
I-Ching: H52 - Restraint, Inaction, Bound, Keeping still, Mountain,
Stilling; Tetra: 71 - Stoppage / INNER: #20 - Left without Language,
Different From the Vulgar; I-Ching: H33 - Withdrawal, Retiring, Retreat,
Yielding; Tetra: 50 - Vastness/Wasting} #307 has 9 Categories:
#6, #1, #40, #200, #10, #50 = 'immar (Aramaic) (H563): 1) lamb; #6, #40,
#4, #2, #200, #10, #5, #40 = dabar (H1697): 1) speech, word, speaking,
thing; 1a) speech; 1b) saying, utterance; 1c) word, words; 1d) *BUSINESS*,
*EXTENSION*); #30, #7, #20, #200, #10, #40 = zakar (H2145): 1) male (of
humans and animals) adj; 2) male (of humans); #2, #70, #200, #30, #5 =
`orlah (H6190): 1) foreskin, uncircumcised; #2, #100, #200, #5 = qarah
(H7135): 1)cold; #30, #200, #2, #70, #5 = raba` (H7250): 1) to lie
stretched out, lie down; 1a)(Qal); 1a1) to lie down; 1a1a) for repose;
1a1b) for copulation (of woman with beast); 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to lay
down (of cattle breeding); #2, #200, #50, #50, #5= renanah (H7445): 1)
ringing cry, shout (for joy); #200, #70, #6, #1, #30 = Re`uw'el (H7467): 1)
a son of Esau by his wife Bashemath, the sister of Ishmael; 2)the
father-in-law of Moses; 3) father of Eliasaph, the leader of the tribe of
Gad at the time of the census at Sinai; 4) a Benjamite, ancestor of Elah;
2a) also 'Jethro'; #6, #200, #90, #10, #1 = Ritsya' (H7525): 1) an Asherite
of the sons of Ulla;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: {OUTER: #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion;
I-Ching: H29 - The Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated
entrapment; Tetra: 80 - Labouring / INNER: #28 - Opposites and Primitivism,
Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H24 - Return, The turning point; Tetra: 2
- Full Circle} #479 has 16 Categories:
#6, #3, #4, #6, #30, #400, #10, #20 = geduwlah (H1420): 1) greatness; 1a)
of man; 1b) of God's greatness (as an attribute); #3, #30, #10, #30, #6,
#400 = geliylah(H1552): 1) circuit, boundary, territory Galilee = 'circuit,
district'; 2) a territory in Naphtali largely occupied by heathen; a
circuit of towns around Kedesh-Naphtali, in which were situated the 20
towns given by Solomon to Hiram king of Tyre as payment for his work in
conveying timber from Lebanon to Jerusalem; #3, #40, #30, #6, #400 =
gemuwlah (H1578): 1) dealing, recompense; #2, #7, #70, #400 = ze`ah(H2188):
1) sweat; #5, #8, #20, #40, #6, #400 = chakam (H2450): 1) *WISE*, *WISE*
(*MAN*); 1a) *SKILFUL* (*IN* *TECHNICAL* *WORK*); 1b) *WISE* (*IN*
*ADMINISTRATION*); 1c) shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle; 1d) learned,
shrewd (class of men); 1e) prudent; 1f)wise (ethically and religiously);
#5, #8, #50, #10, #6, #400 = chanuwth (H2588): 1)cell, vaulted room; #30,
#30, #2, #1, #400, #10, #6 = labiy' (H3833): 1) lion n f; 2)lioness; #20,
#50, #4, #400, #5 = niddah (H5079): 1) impurity, filthiness, menstruous,
set apart; 1a) impurity; 1a1) of ceremonial impurity; 1a2) of menstruation;
1b) impure thing (fig.); 1b1) of idolatry, immorality; #6, #70, #3, #400 =
`uggah (H5692): 1) disc or cake (of bread); 1a) cake of hot stones (cake
baked on hot stones); #6, #80, #10, #30, #3, #300, #10, #40 = piylegesh
(H6370): 1)concubine, paramour; 1a) concubine; 1b) paramour; #4, #10, #5,
#30, #9, #70, #50, #300, #1 = dierchomai (G1330): 1) to go through, pass
through; 2) to go different places; 1a) to go, walk, journey, pass through
a place; 1b) to travel the road which leads through a place, go, pass,
travel through a region; 2a) of people, to go abroad; 2b) *OF* *A*
*REPORT*, *TO* *SPREAD*, *GO* *ABROAD*; #20, #1, #9, #8, #20, #70, #50,
#300, #1 = katheko (G2520): 1) to come down; 2) to come to, reach to; 2a)
it is becoming; 2b)it is fit; #40, #5, #300, #1, #2, #5, #2, #8, #20, #1,
#40, #5, #50 = metabaino(G3327): 1) to pass over from one place to another,
to remove, depart; #70, #400, #4, #5 = oude (G3761): 1) but not, neither,
nor, not even; #80, #70, #10, #8, #300, #1, #10 = poietes (G4163): 1) a
maker, a producer, author; 2) a doer, performer; 3) a poet; 2a) *ONE* *WHO*
*OBEYS* *OR* *FULFILS* *THE* *LAW*; #80, #100, #70, #9, #5, #200, #5, #10 =
prothesis (G4286): 1) a setting forth of a thing, placing of it in view,
the shewbread; 2) a purpose; 1a) twelve loaves of wheaten bread,
corresponding to the number of the tribes of Israel, which loaves were
offered to God every Sabbath, and separated into two rows, lay for seven
days upon a table placed in the sanctuary or front portion of the
tabernacle, and afterwards of the temple;
Hi Aaron, my name is Rebekah. We spoke the other day. I'm from AppleCare. I
would like to get back in touch with and see how I can assist you.
Unfortunately I was out of the office still yesterday. If you would me to
give you a call back, please just respond via email. Thank you. Bye.
--- [ TEST OF TRUTH ] ---
@memeBrain [Telos: #5704, Super: #10 - Impossible Advice, What can Be
Done?; I-Ching: H30 - Cohesion, Radiance, Clinging to Brightness/Fire, The
net; Tetra: 41 - Response, Ego: #34 - Great Guide, Trust in its Perfection;
I-Ching: H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what
has been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 27 - Duties]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: {OUTER: #2 - Contrast of Terms, Self-Culture; I-Ching:
H11 - Peace, Pervading, Greatness; Tetra: 16 - Contact / INNER: #41 -
Playing with Reversal, Sameness in Difference; I-Ching: H26 - Great
Domestication, Restraining Force, Great Accumulating, The taming power of
the great, Great storage, Potential energy; Tetra: 60 - Accumulation} #164
has 65 Categories:
#2, #70, #90, #2 = `etseb (H6089): 1) pain, hurt,
toil, sorrow, labour, hardship; 2)vessel, creation, object; 3) (TWOT) idol;
1a) pain; 1b) hurt, offense; 1c) toil, hardship; #10, #50, #8, #40, #50, #6
= nacham (H5162): 1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort,
be comforted; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity, have
compassion; 1a2) to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent; 1a3) to comfort
oneself, be comforted; 1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself; 1b) (Piel) to
comfort, console; 1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled; 1d) (Hithpael);
1d1) to be sorry, have compassion; 1d2) to rue, repent of; 1d3) to comfort
oneself, be comforted; 1d4) to ease oneself; #30, #80, #30, #10, #9, #5 =
peleytah (H6413): 1)escape, deliverance; 1a) escape, deliverance; 1b)
escaped remnant; #40, #8, #10, #100, #6 = cheyq (H2436): 1) bosom, hollow,
bottom, midst; #100, #9, #50, #5 = qatan (H6996): 1) young, small,
insignificant, unimportant; 1a) small; 1b)insignificant; 1c) young; 1d)
unimportant; #6, #100, #2, #50, #6 = qabab (H6895): 1) to curse, utter a
curse against; 1a) (Qal) to curse; #6, #50, #100, #8 = laqach(H3947): 1) to
take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry,
take a wife, snatch, take away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take, take in the hand;
1a2) to take and carry along; 1a3) to take from, take out of, take, carry
away, take away; 1a4) to take to or for a person, procure, get, take
possession of, select, choose, take in marriage, receive, accept; 1a5) to
take up or upon, put upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7) to take, lead, conduct; 1a8)
to take, capture, seize; 1a9) to take, carry off; 1a10) to take
(vengeance); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be captured; 1b2) to be taken away, be
removed; 1b3) to be taken, brought unto; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be taken from
or out of; 1c2) to be stolen from; 1c3) to be taken captive; 1c4) to be
taken away, be removed; 1d)(Hophal); 1d1) to be taken unto, be brought
unto; 1d2) to be taken out of; 1d3) to be taken away; 1e) (Hithpael); 1e1)
to take hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash about (of lightning); #10, #8, #60,
#30, #50, #6 = chacal (H2628): 1) (Qal) to consume, finish off, bring to an
end; #40, #70, #40, #4, #10 = `immad (H5978): 1) with; #100, #8, #50, #6 =
laqach (H3947): 1) to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive,
acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to take, take in the hand; 1a2) to take and carry along; 1a3) to take from,
take out of, take, carry away, take away; 1a4) to take to or for a person,
procure, get, take possession of, select, choose, take in marriage,
receive, accept; 1a5) to take up or upon, put upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7) to
take, lead, conduct; 1a8) to take, capture, seize; 1a9) to take, carry off;
1a10) to take (vengeance); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be captured; 1b2) to be
taken away, be removed; 1b3) to be taken, brought unto; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to
be taken from or out of; 1c2) to be stolen from; 1c3) to be taken captive;
1c4) to be taken away, be removed; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be taken unto, be
brought unto; 1d2) to be taken out of; 1d3) to be taken away; 1e)
(Hithpael); 1e1) to take hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash about (of
lightning); #6, #20, #8, #30, #100 = cheleq (H2506): 1) portion, share,
part, territory; 2) smoothness, seductiveness, flattery; 1a) portion,
share; 1b) portion, tract, parcel (of land); 1c) one's portion, one's
possession; 1d) (chosen) portion; 1e)portion, award (from God); #6, #10,
#80, #60, #8 = pacach (H6452): 1) to pass over, spring over; 2) to limp;
1a) (Qal) to pass over; 1b) (Piel) to skip, pass over; 2a)(Qal) to limp;
2b) (Niphal) to be lame; 2c) (Piel) to limp; #8, #90, #10, #50, #6 =
chetsiy (H2677): 1) half; 1a) half; 1b) middle; #6, #2, #50, #70, #30, #6 =
na`al(H5275): 1) sandal, shoe; #50, #70, #40, #4 = `amad (H5975): 1) to
stand, remain, endure, take one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take
one's stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present
oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop
(moving or doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide,
endure, persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground;
1a5) to stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be
upright; 1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear,
rise up or against; 1a7)to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #30,
#40, #90, #4 = metsad (H4679): 1) fort, stronghold, fastness; 1a)
mountain-fastness; 1b) stronghold; #40, #70, #40, #10, #4 = `amad (H5975):
1) to stand, remain, endure, take one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand,
take one's stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand,
present oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still,
stop (moving or doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue,
abide, endure, persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's
ground; 1a5) to stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect,
be upright; 1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear,
rise up or against; 1a7)to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #50,
#100, #9, #5 = naqat (H5354): 1) to loathe, be grieved, feel a loathing;
1a) (Qal) to feel a loathing; #6, #5, #90, #3, #50, #10 = yatsag (H3322):
1) to place, set, establish; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to set, place; 1a2) to
present; 1a3) to exhibit; 1b)(Hophal) to be stopped, be stayed, be
detained; #10, #60, #80, #8, #6 = caphach(H5596):
1) to join, attach to, join together; 2) (Piel) to cause a scab upon, smite
with scab; 1a) (Qal) to join, attach to; 1b) (Niphal) to attach oneself;
1c) (Piel) joining (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be joined together, hold
oneself together; 1e)(Hithpael) to join oneself; #30, #40, #10, #4, #70,
#10 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know,
learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and
discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience;
1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to
know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4)to know
how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
be made known, be or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known;
1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know;
1d) (Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g)
(Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal
oneself; #2, #30, #70, #6, #50, #6 = bala` (H1104): 1) to swallow down,
swallow up, engulf, eat up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to swallow down; 1a2) to
swallow up, engulf; 1b) (Niphal) to be swallowed up; 1c)(Piel); 1c1) to
swallow; 1c2) to swallow up, engulf; 1c3) squandering (fig.); 1d)(Pual) to
be swallowed up; 1e) (Hithpael) to be ended; #90, #70, #4 = tsa`ad(H6806):
1) step, pace, stride; 1a) step, pace; 1b) step, steps (of course of life)
(fig); #8, #40, #6, #100, #10 = chammuwq (H2542): 1) curve, curving; #2,
#70, #30, #6, #50, #6 = ba`al (H1166): 1) to marry, rule over, possess,
own; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to marry, be lord (husband) over; 1a2) to rule over;
1b) (Niphal) to be married; #40, #8, #60, #50, #6 = machaceh (H4268): 1)
refuge, shelter; 1a) from rain or storm, from danger; 1b) of falsehood; #2,
#2, #90, #70 = betsa` (H1215): 1) profit, unjust gain, gain (profit)
acquired by violence; #6, #5, #90, #40, #10, #8, #5 = tsamach(H6779): 1) to
sprout, spring up, grow up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sprout, spring up; 1a1a) of
plants; 1a1b) of hair; 1a1c) of speech (fig.); 1b) (Piel) to grow
abundantly or thickly; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to grow; 1c2) to cause
to sprout; #50, #8, #40, #60, #6 = chamac (H2554): 1) to wrong, do violence
to, treat violently, do wrongly; 1a) (Qal) to treat violently, do wrong;
1a1) of physical wrong; 1a2) of ethical wrong; 1a3) of physical and ethical
wrong; 1b) (Niphal) to be treated violently; #5, #80, #3, #70, #6 = paga`
(H6293): 1) to encounter, meet, reach, entreat, make intercession; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to meet, light upon, join; 1a2) to meet (of kindness); 1a3) to
encounter, fall upon (of hostility); 1a4) to encounter, entreat (of
request); 1a5) to strike, touch (of boundary); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to light upon; 1b2) to cause to entreat; 1b3) to make entreaty, interpose;
1b4) to make attack; 1b5) to reach the mark; #5, #90, #10, #3, #50, #6 =
yatsag (H3322): 1) to place, set, establish; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to set,
place; 1a2) to present; 1a3) to exhibit; 1b)(Hophal) to be stopped, be
stayed, be detained; #5, #100, #4, #10, #40, #5 = qadiym(H6921): 1) east,
east wind; 1a) east (of direction); 1b) east wind; #5, #8, #90, #6, #50, #5
= chiytsown (H2435): 1) outer, external, outward; #6, #40, #8, #10, #100 =
cheyq (H2436): 1) bosom, hollow, bottom, midst; #3, #5, #5, #50, #50, #1,
#50 = geenna (G1067): 1) Hell is the place of the future punishment call
VGehennaV or VGehenna of fireV. This was originally the valley of Hinnom,
south of Jerusalem, where the filth and dead animals of the city were cast
out and burned; a fit symbol of the wicked and their future destruction.;
#8, #40, #5, #100, #1, #10 = hemera(G2250): 1) the day, used of the natural
day, or the interval between sunrise and sunset, as distinguished from and
contrasted with the night; 2) of the civil day, or the space of twenty four
hours (thus including the night); 3) of the last day of this present age,
the day Christ will return from heaven, raise the dead, hold the final
judgment, and perfect his kingdom; 4) used of time in general, i.e. the
days of his life.; 1a) in the daytime; 1b) metaph., Vthe dayV is regarded
as the time for abstaining from indulgence, vice, crime, because acts of
the sort are perpetrated at night and in darkness; 2a) Eastern usage of
this term differs from our western usage. Any part of a day is counted as a
whole day, hence the expression Vthree days and three nightsV does not mean
literally three whole days, but at least one whole day plus part of two
other days.; #8, #40, #5, #100, #1, #10 = hemera (G2250): 1) the day, used
of the natural day, or the interval between sunrise and sunset, as
distinguished from and contrasted with the night; 2) of the civil day, or
the space of twenty four hours (thus including the night); 3) of the last
day of this present age, the day Christ will return from heaven, raise the
dead, hold the final judgment, and perfect his kingdom; 4) used of time in
general, i.e. the days of his life.; 1a) in the daytime; 1b) metaph., Vthe
dayV is regarded as the time for abstaining from indulgence, vice, crime,
because acts of the sort are perpetrated at night and in darkness; 2a)
Eastern usage of this term differs from our western usage. Any part of a
day is counted as a whole day, hence the expression Vthree days and three
nightsV does not mean literally three whole days, but at least one whole
day plus part of two other days.; #5, #30, #9, #70, #50 = erchomai (G2064):
1) to come; 2) metaph.; 3) to go, to follow one For Synonyms see entry
5818; 1a) of persons; 1a1) to come from one place to another, and used both
of persons arriving; 1a2) to appear, make one's appearance, come before the
public; 2a) to come into being, arise, come forth, show itself, find place
or influence; 2b) be established, become known, to come (fall) into or
unto; #4, #5, #50, #4, #100, #1 = dendron (G1186): 1) a tree; #3, #1, #40,
#70, #50 = gamos (G1062): 1) a wedding or marriage festival, a wedding
banquet, a wedding feast; 2) marriage, matrimony; #50, #5, #50, #10, #20,
#8, #20, #1 = nikao(G3528): 1) to conquer; 1a) to carry off the victory,
come off victorious; 1a1) of Christ, victorious over all His foes; 1a2) of
Christians, that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of
their foes, and temptations and persecutions; 1a3)when one is arraigned or
goes to law, to win the case, maintain one's cause; #40, #1, #3, #70, #50 =
magos (G3097): 1) a magus; 1a) the name given by the Babylonians
(Chaldeans), Medes, Persians, and others, to the wise men, teachers,
priests, physicians, astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, augers,
soothsayers, sorcerers etc.; 1b) the oriental wise men (astrologers) who,
having discovered by the rising of a remarkable star that the Messiah had
just been born, came to Jerusalem to worship him; 1c) a false prophet and
sorcerer; #50, #8, #100, #5, #1 = Nereus (G3517): 1) a Christian at Rome
saluted by Paul;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: {OUTER: #77 - Natural Guide, Heaven's Reason; I-Ching:
H12 - Obstruction, Standstill (stagnation), Selfish persons; Tetra: 57 -
Guardedness / INNER: #34 - Great Guide, Trust in its Perfection; I-Ching:
H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has been
spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 27 - Duties} #239 has 7
#20, #3, #6, #200, #10 = gowr (H1484): 1) whelp; #6, #7, #20,
#6, #200 = Zakkuwr(H2139): 1) father of Shammua, the Reubenite spy; 2) a
Simeonite of the family of Mishma; 3) a Merarite Levite, son of Jaaziah; 4)
son of Asaph the singer; 5) the son of Imri who assisted Nehemiah in
rebuilding the wall; 6) a Levite, or family of Levites, who signed the
covenant with Nehemiah; 7) a Levite whose son or descendant Hanan was one
of the treasurers over the treasuries appointed by Nehemiah; #6, #5, #40,
#30, #100, #8, #10, #40 = melqach (H4457): 1) snuffers, tongs; 1a) tongs
(for altar use); 1b) snuffers (for lamps in temple or tabernacle); #40,
#90, #4, #100, #5 = tsedaqah (H6666): 1) justice, righteousness; 1a)
righteousness (in government); 1a1) of judge, ruler, king; 1a2) of law;
1a3) of Davidic king Messiah; 1b) righteousness (of God's attribute); 1c)
righteousness (in a case or cause); 1d) righteousness, truthfulness; 1e)
righteousness (as ethically right); 1f)righteousness (as vindicated),
justification, salvation; 1f1) of God; 1f2) prosperity (of people); 1g)
righteous acts; #2, #200, #2, #30, #5 = Riblah (H7247): 1) a place on the
eastern boundary of Israel; 2) a town in the land of Hamath on the great
road between Babylon and Palestine; #9, #100, #10, #60, #10, #50 = thrix
(G2359): 1) the hair of the head; 2) the hair of animals; #80, #1, #10, #4,
#10, #70, #9, #5, #50 = paidiothen (G3812): 1) from childhood, from a
DOLF @ 1507 HOURS ON 31 MAY 2017: “Rebekah,
Thank-you for your response which is neither truthful nor cognisant of the
reality that I had on the evening prior when you worked till 8pm,
immediately responded to your 3 non-speech phone calls and your email--such
that you had a 3 hour window but treated the matter as insignificant.
That you are responding in point of fact to my TETRAD: #307 / #479 as NOUS:
#25 as an identical substituted NOUS whereby I exercised prudent #237 - USE
OF FORCE associated with my anti-terrorism activities and which are now
whispers against your reputation spread abroad internationally.
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #307 as #6, #40, #4, #2, #200, #10, #5, #40 = dabar
(H1697): 1) speech, word, speaking, thing; 1a) speech; 1b) saying,
utterance; 1c) word, words; 1d) *BUSINESS*, *OCCUPATION*, *ACTS*, *MATTER*,
*CASE*, *SOMETHING*, *MANNER* (*BY* *EXTENSION*); #80, #70, #10, #8, #300,
#1, #10 = poietes (G4163): 1) a maker, a producer, author; 2) a doer,
performer; 3) a poet; 2a) *ONE* *WHO* *OBEYS* *OR* *FULFILS* *THE* *LAW*;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #479 as #5, #8, #20, #40, #6, #400 = chakam (H2450): 1)
*WISE*, *WISE* (*MAN*); 1a) *SKILFUL* (*IN* *TECHNICAL* *WORK*); 1b) *WISE*
(*IN* *ADMINISTRATION*); 1c) shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle; 1d)
learned, shrewd (class of men); 1e) prudent; 1f)wise (ethically and
religiously); #4, #10, #5, #30, #9, #70, #50, #300, #1 = dierchomai
(G1330): 1) to go through, pass through; 2) to go different places; 1a) to
go, walk, journey, pass through a place; 1b) to travel the road which leads
through a place, go, pass, travel through a region; 2a) of people, to go
abroad; 2b) *OF* *A* *REPORT*, *TO* *SPREAD*, *GO* *ABROAD*;
You have before you identical information which I have provided to my
audience abroad conveying to you a very serious matter of a cyber warfare
breach of my Apple Mac Mini (x 2) and one of which is still under warranty.
They are not under AppleCare so why this charade of your want to assist?
As I view it, and have conveyed to APPLE on multiple occasions, that this
Cyber warfare intrusion involved a Machine build identity s exhibiting a
breach of Apple's Intellectual Property rights.
It is therefore unsafe to continue using the Macintosh Mac Mini within an
Internet due to the possibility of continued cyber warfare intrusions.
This is contrary to what Apple Corporation claims of its product and
constitutes a fraudulent claim by them as a dishonest inducement to
purchase the product in good faith.
In having taken necessary steps to secure machine images of both Macintosh
computers to a Time Capsule so that Apple Corporation may after signing a
non-disclosure agreement so as to protect my privacy, return critical data
to me and then investigate the cause and consequences for this security
intrusion and breach of integrity of your Internet enabled Computer
And in good faith, I have purchased a replacement Time Capsule.
But if Apple have no intention to pursue such recourse, then why ought I be
burdened by unnecessary costs of redundant hardware purchases--thus I would
seek a refund for it.
That I will not use the Macintosh Computers within an Internet environment
until there is some outcome from Apple's technical investigation.
Until that occurs the allegation is that Apple Corporation has committed a
fraudulent act against me in making false claims in relation to the secure
use of the Macintosh Mini (under warranty) as an unlawful inducement to
purchase the product.
I wish to obtain a full refund for the various components associated with
this purchase made upon APPLE's online store.
Thusly, would you please advise on the process, place or persons necessary
which have the authority on behalf of Apple Corporation to transact a
refund of this travesty as the purchase of this Macintosh.
And furthermore, to provide your advice and willingness to accept an
accountability for a technical investigation into the cause, means and
consequences for these repeated, targeted and sinister cyber warfare
intrusions into my life.
I have no intention of ever purchasing another Macintosh computer as their
is no longer any trust between us, your reputation is gone and what remains
of goodwill is insignificant.
Please respond via email.”
REBEKAH (APPLE) @ 1519 HOURS ON 31 MAY 2017: “Case Number: 100202898739 Hi
Is that a 'yes' in regards to getting a call back for further technical
DOLF @ 1728 HOURS ON 31 MAY 2017: “How difficult is it for you to grasp
what my requirements are:
refund of Mac Mini (under warranty) purchased;
Apple's intent to technically investigate Cyber warfare intrusion as
machine image stored on a Time Capsule;
If a lack of intent to do so, then a refund for the purchase of a
replacement Time Capsule.
If you continue show[ing] such a disrespect towards my clear, coherent,
reasonable and prudent [advice] as your innate stubborn characteristic of
being, which is a fact conveyed by demonstrated Intellectual Property as
analysis of your dishonesty.
I will permanently rescind any entitlement for Apple Computer or any
associated software on your hardware from ever having any entitlement to
deploy such Intellectual Property of mine which is suitable to every human
sapient endeavour.”
DOLF @ 0551 HOURS ON 1 JUNE 2017: “Well then, if you feel so semantically
constrained as to be necessary to telephone call, then 'yes' do so.
But if it is discordant in any manner whatsoever, I will terminate the call
and present the matter at the Small Claims Tribunal.
Nous: #52
Time: 19:50 hrs
Date: 2017.1.18
Torah: #40 #50 #4 %81 = #13 Dao: So What?, Returning to the Origin Tetra:
#61 - Embellishment I-Ching: H45 - Gathering, Congregation, Clustering,
Gathering together (massing), Finished
Latin: Opportunus {Adorable God} Alt: Haaoyah {Wood of God} {
4. Aphut
Abijah {The Lord is my father}
***@zen: 3, row: 8, col: 6, nous: 52 [Time: 1950 hrs, Super: #348 /
#50 - Fantasies of Avoiding Death, Value of Life; I-Ching: H2 - Pure Yin,
Passive Principle/Earth, Field, The receptive, Acquiescence, The flow;
Tetra: 77 - Compliance, Ego: #444 / #52 - So What?, Returning to the
Origin; I-Ching: H45 - Gathering, Congregation, Clustering, Gathering
together (massing), Finished; Tetra: 61 - Embellishment]
YOUTUBE: "The KLF - America What Time is Love?”
DOLF: “America is supposedly TRUTH, JUSTICE and whatever WAY possible,
whether compliant with the United Nations Charter of Human Rights,
Conventions on War Crimes or NOT.
After all it was the #65 - SOLDIERS who taught Emperor Caligula to rape a
bride and groom on their wedding day.”
YOUTUBE: "Everytime You Go Away (Paul Young)"
My list is below..... (• x 5)
The seven things...
#1 - Independence
#2 - Positive Attitude
#3 - Drive
#4 - Passion
#5 - Thoughtfulness
#6 - Kindness
#7 - Confidence
#8 - Massive Meatstick
Make that 8 things:
#9 - Dildo for your Placebo Domingo
#10 - LOL”
DOLF: “Rachel {sheep} weeps for her children as saith the prophet Jeremiah:
‘LORD, what fools these mortals be...’"
KERNEL DON JUAN: “Talk dirty to me Dolf.
Make my old, wrinkled wiener hard.”
YOUTUBE: "Westons Wagon Wheels - Australian TV commercial (1991)"
DOLF: "Managing flystrike on *wethered* *sheep*.
Wethers (ie. castrated) are less aggressive than rams:
'Preventing flystrike is more economical than treating it. Short term
management tools such as *strategic* *chemical* *application*, *crutching*
and shearing, and controlling worms and *dags* will be beneficial in the
short term, whilst producers looking for a longer term solution should
investigate genetic options such as *breeding* for reduced *dags* and
1) But what complaint can a senile impotent prick, a dag festering arsehole
and a coward with no balls ('wethered') that you are--by hiding under a
cloak of anonymity, when you can only bleat (ie. speak or complain in a
weak, querulous, or foolish way) as an onomatopoeia.
2) As you are without any *foundation* and have the moral scruples of a dag
festering ANAL-SADISTIC (ie. displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive
tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at the anal stage of development)
MAGGOT--anti-semitic that you are.
3) That the dag *festering* ANAL-SADISTIC (ie. displaying abnormal
aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at the
anal stage of development) maggot Roman Catholic street protesters can now
eat shit (an exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or rejection of,
someone) and ***@ck off.
I enjoyed teasing her all the time with my provocative tongue.
Any thoughts on that?"
IMAGE: Dolf Boek with Kay Sera accepting GLBTI Community’s 1997 Rainbow 🌈
Award for Leadership by a Gay Male.
YOUTUBE: "Que Sera Sera (Doris Day)"
If you were a woman in a man's body for a day, what would you do?”
YOUTUBE: "Waiting For A Girl Like You (Foreigner)"
*SYPHILIS* (noun)
* Hold me, kiss me, love me, told me not;
a disease carried by blood sucking monsters, a.k.a women, who disguise
theme-selves as beautiful desirable beings to ruin a mans life.
* see succubus witches;
Courtesy: urban dictionary
YOUTUBE: "Evil Kermit Dank Meme Compilation"
DOLF @ 0319 HOURS ON 27 FEBRUARY 2017: "But me and Him (you know who) have
got this thing going on...
"To whom will ye liken me, and make [me] equal, and compare me, that we may
be like?" [Isaiah 46:5 (KJV)]
Transgender boy from Texas wins controversial girls state title.
Normally I prefer my TS (ie. transexual) boys of Asian persuasion. This
one, seriously, is really not to my liking.
DOLF @ 0429 HOURS ON 27 FEBRUARY 2017: "Our grammarian turd philosopher has
post-war dysphasia, dyspraxia and dysphoria due to a lack of any coherent
first principles as existentialist basis for action and seminal cause:
*DING*-*DONG* = MIND {#1 + #2 = #3}
*POOH*-*POOH* = SCIENCE {#3 + #4 = #7}
*BOW*-*WOW* = OPINION {#5 + #6 = #11}
*TA*-*TA* = SENSE {#7 + #8 = #15}
- to utter the deep, guttural sound characteristic of a hog.
- A guttural noise made for several different circumstances: happy, sad,
yes, Is no, oh yes, oh god yes, *during* *sex* taking a shit
- taking a grunt is also known as taking a shit.
- to grumble, as in discontent.
- [Slang]: a soldier, especially an infantryman.
- [Slang]: a common or unskilled worker; labourer.
The opposite of a 'grunt' is a 'pougue', which is a derogatory reference to
pretty much anyone who isn't a grunt, but normally reserved for Marines who
work in an office or some other rear-echelon job as part of their regular
duties ('In the rear with the gear'). Call a pougue a 'grunt' and they love
it, but call a grunt a 'pougue' and see what happens.
From the desk of Western Washington University professor Edward Vadja:
'Linguistics 201: The Origin of Language':
#1. DING-DONG: The "ding-dong" hypothesis bases the origins of language on
onomatopoeia. This idea states that language began when humans started
naming objects after a relevant sound that was already involved in their
everyday life. Examples include words such as "boom," "crash," and "oink."
These represent the sounds of certain objects, but it is unclear how to
provide onomatopoeia for silent objects such as a rock. It also does not
consider abstract ideas like love or justice, as there are no sounds for
these words. Also, this hypothesis does not supply words for grammar or
abstract items in the English language, so it is not hard to imagine that
these types of words are unusual and rare in most languages. Onomatopoeia
is such a small part of linguistics and varies greatly from language to
language. Because of these limitations it is considered a limited
#2. POOH-POOH: The basis for the "pooh-pooh" hypothesis holds true to the
involuntary nature of human speech. Through emotional response, language
and speech would have developed in tandem with human interaction and
primitive emotional reactions. Such sounds as "wa wa wa" or "ha ha ha,"
commonly used to denoted crying or pain and happiness or laughter,
respectively, would then develop into a more unique and case-specific
series of sounds in association with other emotions and interactions
The problem with this hypothesis, however, is that exclamations, such as
the emotional responses that one might associate with these "pooh-pooh"
phrases, are in fact dependent on language instead of a basis through which
language can be created. For instance, the essence of emotional response
for pain is "ouch" in English, "oi" in Russian and "eee" in Cherokee
(Vadja). If there was a generalized emotional response that all people made
independently of each other, then perhaps there would be some legitimacy to
the argument. But those noises that we all do make based on the stimuli of
sneezes or hiccups cannot demonstrate a common linguistic nature between
#3. BOW-WOW: The "bow wow" hypothesis is the most popular but perhaps the
most far-fetched hypothesis of them all. Basically, it is the idea that
human language and vocabulary originated as a form of imitation. It is said
that language came from the imitation of animal sounds.
The problem that arises in this hypothesis is that a lot of words that
describe animal sounds in different languages are similar. For instance, in
English a pig makes the sound "oink-oink." In Russian the sound is
translated as "hyru-hyru" and in Chinese the sound is translated as
"oh-ee-oh-ee." As one can see, these words represent the sound of a single
animal in different languages. The sound and pronunciation of these words
are not similar. The overall idea is that one’s language determines how one
interprets a sound, and since we have may languages, one cannot prove that
human vocabulary comes from them.
#4. TA-TA: As commonly seen in primates, hand gestures and body movement
are important aspects of interaction and cooperation within societies.
Originally hypothesized by Charles Darwin, though not necessarily supported
by him, the "ta-ta" hypothesis states that language and the development of
sound was generated to support the hand gestures and movements of the
individual. So as to better demonstrate the meaning behind the gestures,
these sounds progressed into more and more distinct words or combinations
of sounds inevitably leading to speech patterns.
Although plausible like many of the other hypothesis, the cultural roots of
varying hand gestures suggests that this is most likely not the reason
behind language. Where in some places nodding means "yes," in others
nodding means the opposite. Such distinct cultural differences implies that
this is not a sound hypothesis.
*RING* *A* *DING* *DING* (adjective)
- a Frank Sinatra-ism for a woman's vagina;
- floozy available for throw away sex;
- an exclamation to be uttered in the presence of women of easy virtue.
[cf: www.urbandictionary.com]
KERNEL you are just a dumb ***@ck with ***@t for brains."
JACK G. (***@SOC.VETERANS) @ 0538 HOURS ON 27 FEBRUARY 2017: "I like
to swap oral with hung men."
DOLF @ 1512 HOURS ON 27 FEBRUARY 2017: "I'm of the opinion that there is
certain propriety and dignity which is bestowed upon one's endowment of
manhood when it conforms by nature as in accord with its intention and
functional form.
***@ck you, ya c*ck sucking leech.
See what I mean?"
- dolf
Initial Post: 25 June, 2017
Post by Ned LathamPost by BykerIslamic civilization "blossomed' until its science collided with
the Koran. It's interesting that Islamic progress in math and
science hit the wall when Ulug Beq of Samarkand, the "Galileo of
Islam," dared to state that the Koranic version of the universe
was all wrong. The mullahs had him put to death and it's been
downhill for the Muslim world ever since. In the West science
and religion went their separate paths during the Reformation
and the rest is history.
All other fundamentalist civilizations were left in the dust.
Just think, even after all these centuries, the Islamic world
has yet to experience a Renaissance, a Reformation, or an Age
of Enlightenment.
It's a good bet it never will. "O you who believe! Take not for
protectors (Awliya') your fathers and your brothers if they love
unbelief above faith. If any of you do so, they are indeed
--Sura 8:23
Post by BykerWere it not for real you'd think it was a
figment of some hack screenwriter's imagination...
Not "hack", "lunatic".
#5 / #6: Say NO to anonymous fascist propaganda every time.
The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to
extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS
That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as
- http://www.grapple369.com
After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean