Post by BykerSharia Germany: Police stop pork barbecue for fear of offending Muslims,
Muslim migrants attack participants
Perhaps they'd stop a dog barbeque too, it'd be bound to offend someone.
Certainly not the French:
Doesn't this mean that our government is essentially telling Muslims
that when Muslims RAPE NON MUSLIM women "who eat PORK"... they're
getting the same unclean diseases that they would get from eating the
PORK themselves, or the same as they would get from fucking a PIG since
the Liberals in Government tell us that you basically sleep with
everyone the sex partner ever slept with, or in the case of RAPE the
Muslims are essentially having sex with all the PORK related diseases of
anyone who eats PORK.
Making the Muslim Rapists the same diseased kind of creature as the Pig
they are so revolted by.....
Either that or the Muslims are just using the Pork as a cover for their
real racist, sexist, religious bigotry.
That's Karma